Lucky Dr and the Rockstar Next Door Read Online Piper Sullivan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27528 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 138(@200wpm)___ 110(@250wpm)___ 92(@300wpm)

He stared at her for a long moment; his hard glare never thawed. “No thanks.”

“But it’s only for a few nights. A few dates, and that’s it.” She watched Mac, her hope fading. “If you don’t do this, I’ll simply spark the rumor that you and I have rekindled and that you’re cheating on your small-town doctor.” Her smile was brittle. Wicked.

“And when I come out and say it was the delusions of an almost washed-up model, what will happen to your chances with Dior or anybody else for that matter?” Mac exhaled, gripped my hand, and brushed past Angel. “Have a nice life. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit.”

As soon as we were inside, I put a hand to his chest. “You didn’t have to do that on my account.” I was happy he did. “If you want to help your ex, you should.”

He barked out a laugh. “We dated years ago, and she cheated on me, so I’m not inclined to help her out. Besides, why would I do anything to screw up my chances with the world’s most amazing woman?” Then his mouth was on mine once again, kissing me until I was breathless and clinging to his broad shoulders. He pulled back with dark eyes and that devilish grin that set my panties on fire.

I smiled back and hooked one leg over his hips. “Mac, you drive me crazy in the best possible way.”

His smile grew. “Kayla, you are a fucking gem. Everybody wants something from me. My agent wants me to make him more money. My band wants my songs. Money, fame, access, or just to be seen with me. But you just want me the way I want you, and that is sexy as hell.”

My heart raced. I felt myself falling completely and totally head over heels for this sexy, sweet-as-pie rock star. There was only one thing to say to that. “Show me.”

He did.

Three times.

17 MAC

“Mac, we have a problem.” Kayla stood in front of me with wide, frantic eyes; her pulse raced in her throat.

I licked my lips and leaned back against my kitchen counter. “I know, babe, but we really don’t have time. The parade starts in less than an hour.”

Her lips tugged into a reluctant grin as she rolled her eyes. “I’m serious. We spent so much time on the float and didn’t think to put someone on it.”

I patted my chest. “I’m right here. Famous rock star, sound familiar?”

“No way,” she shook her head. “I’m not asking you to do that. This is your time off to write music and relax. To rest your voice.”

That’s why I love you. It was on the tip of my tongue to say the words out loud, but the moment was perfect, and I knew it because I’d already picked out the perfect moment. “I appreciate the concern, Doc, but you didn’t ask.”

“I’m serious.” She paced in front of me, wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts.

“Me too. I’ll grab my guitar and prep a song or two, and you go home and change, then see if you can find me a microphone. Problem solved.”

She nibbled her bottom lip, which I found irresistible, and I wanted to join in, nibbling that lip myself. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” I smiled and pushed off the counter because I couldn’t keep my hands off her when she was near. “Now are you going to keep freaking out and make us late while I calm you down, or are we doing this?”

“Okay, fine.” She put her hands on my shoulders and pressed her lips to mine. “Thank you. I,” she hesitated and then smiled, “I’m crazy about you, Mac, you know?”

“I do now.” I kissed her again, slowly. Deeply. With so much intensity that it stole my breath. “See you at the parade, Doc.”

Minutes later, she was dressed and leaving through my front door.As

soon as Kayla was gone, I put on my clothes, grabbed my guitar, and set my plan in action. Downtown Holiday Grove was packed. It looked as if every single person in town had come out for the parade, which only piqued my nerves a little. There were booths set up selling beer and cocktails, water and snacks, and even St. Paddy’s Day merch. It was a whole event, and that put a smile on my face.

Some of the floats were already in position while others were putting the finishing touches on their It was an incredible turnout, and I smiled to myself, thinking about how much Kayla would both love and hate this.

“Mac,” Kayla called out to me, eyes wide as she approached. “We’re now the last float in the procession, so you have time to warm up or whatever.”

“You got the mic?”

She shook her head. “I’m going now. It took a few phone calls to figure out where it was left after the last Theater in the Park festival.”


