Luna – Hermerta Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14503 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 58(@250wpm)___ 48(@300wpm)

“Wictor I am assuming we are riding out with her?” My brother hits me on my shoulder.

“Yes. Call in Oopa and have him get this place cleaned up. Are you loaded?” He smiles and shakes his head.

“What kind of question is that? Of course I am.” Excellent.

“Then let’s go hunting.”

In the car behind her, we follow her through this posh town, stuffed full of mansions and estates. Not one single piece of property is less than a million dollars, but the people in them are properly clueless about who lives next to them.

The car slows down and we creep up to a sidewalk where I assume has to be down the way from our destination. I park behind them and get out. Walking right up to my love, I put her face in my hands and kiss her. “Are you ready for this?” She gives me a weary smile and nods her head. “Baby I can do this, and we just say you did. We don’t have to tell anyone.” I would do this for her. I would do anything for her.

“No. I have to do it. Have to be the one to shed his blood to avenge the rest of them.” She’s so fucking strong. I just don’t think she knows how much.

“Alright then baby. Let’s do this.” Nodding, she leans and kisses me before turning her attention back to everyone else.

“Dalian, you can lead your team through the rear of the house. Serena takes two with you and goes west and Patrizia you take two and go east. Wictor, Piotr and I will go through the front. Everyone put your comms in. Is everyone loaded?” We all answer in the affirmative. “Then let’s go get this over with.”

Lacing our fingers together, we walk the path to the front door. Immediately I heard gunfire from the back of the house. Her hand squeezes in mine and I know she is getting anxious, but the gunfire drawing the attention to the back is giving us a slight advantage. When we make it to the door, she nods at me, and I kick it open. We draw our guns from our backs, each of us taking up an angle of the foyer.

“Baby we should..” I want to stay beside her, but she shakes her head.

“Wic please go up to the left, Piotr takes the basement. I will clear this floor.” My instinct is to protest, demand she let me come with her, but I know she needs this so instead I pull her into my arms and kiss her.

“Be safe baby. Come back to me.” I tell her making sure she can see the love in my eyes. She kisses me once more, her eyes closed. I pull her further into me and make this one deep and with purpose.

“The same for you.” Nodding, I kiss her head and use all the strength in my mind to walk the other way.

Taking the stairs one at a time, I go to room two and nothing. Along the way I am announcing the number of the door and if it is clear. When I make it to door number 3, I expect it to be clear but what I find on the other side of the door is a woman cowering on the floor. I take a second to clear the room before cautiously walking toward her.

“Are you alright?” I ask her. She looks at me like I am speaking a foreign language which to be honest I could be. Going off a hunch, I pull up a map on my phone and show it to her. When she unfurls from the floor, she points to Poland. Thank fuck. “Czy wszystko w porządku?” Her eyes brighten up and she sits up a little more.

“Chcę iść do domu.” Her little voice telling me she wants to go home rips my chest open. I stare at her trying to figure out how old she is. She can’t be older than fifteen.

“Ile masz lat?” When I ask her how old she is her eyes begin to well up. I want to wipe her face and reassure her, but I also don’t want to scare her by touching her.

“Trzynaście.” Fucking pigs. They took a thirteen-year-old girl? I want to torch all of them. Before I can say anything else, gunfire below me rocks my chest because I don’t know who it was. My attention is split but I know Luna wouldn’t want me to leave her here.

“Zamierzam cię stąd wydostać.” I tell her I am going to get her out of here. “Weź to.” Pulling off my shirt I hand her mine and wait for her to put it on before leading her out of the room. Slowly we make our way down the stairs. I move her away from the fire while also trying to figure out who it is. We make it to the door and that is when I hear it. I hear the shouting of my woman's voice, then a loud pop and nothing. Before I can stop myself I am sprinting toward the door, my fucking heart pounding not sure what I am going to find but praying she is alive. If something happens to her I no longer exist.


