Mafia Monster’s Forced Bride Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82517 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked, quickly closing the distance between them and trying to reach for her diary. He held it just out of reach.

“I will be taking this.”

“That’s my personal diary. You have no right to take people’s things without asking them.” She tried to reach for it, and in the process of jumping, the towel around her hair spun out of control and fell out. She couldn’t contain the wince as it tugged at strands of hair before it left her locks free, which did feel good.

Alex still had one hand on the towel wrapped around her body, and she kept trying to jump up to take the diary, but it wasn’t working. In the end, she let go of the towel, hoping the power of her boobs would keep it in place, and she used her hands to try to get the diary.

Roman was taller, bigger, and it was impossible. That diary was the last one she had written in. She hadn’t taken it to his place because she had worried he’d find it. The last entries were all leading up to their arranged marriage, and of course their wedding, the night before, at least. There was no other entry because she’d been with him, with no way of talking to her diary.

Her towel gave way, and Alex didn’t grab it immediately. The protection she had fell to the floor, around her feet.

She cried out and scrambled to get her towel, only to have Roman reach for it as well. Alex wasn’t entirely sure what happened, but they somehow managed to bump heads, and she ended up on the floor, not covered, and Roman stared at her.

Panic filled her, and she scrambled for the towel and her diary. Roman seemed to still as she got both and pulled away from him.

Within seconds, it became a tug of war as Roman grabbed the diary, and she had no choice but to turn her back and immediately wrap the towel around her.

Roman had never seen her naked.

No man had seen her naked.

Her heart raced.

“Please give me back my diary,” she said, keeping her back to him.

Her face was so hot. She had never been so embarrassed in her life.

“No.” He stepped past her. She tried to grab his shirt, but she had no choice but to keep one hand on her chest.


Roman turned at the door. “You’re my wife, and a Greco never begs. Don’t do it.”

He slammed the bathroom door, and Alex gritted her teeth. She wanted to call her father, to ask him to demand that Roman give her diary back, but that would be involving her father in a pathetic spat.

Roman was just being a pain in the ass. She got it, and kind of understood it, even if she didn’t completely agree with him and his asshole ways.

After stepping into her closet, she opened the drawers and pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank. It was warm, and she wished she could have head-to-toe pajamas, but that would be way too uncomfortable.

Her hair was nearly dry, and stepping out of her closet, she went to her dresser to run a brush through it. Her bed looked so inviting as she stared at it. Did she want to sink into the soft covers or fight with Roman again?

She glanced at the bathroom door and decided he had already taken way too much of her attention. Sticking her tongue out, which was completely childish to do, she stepped over to her bed, pulled back the covers, and slid right inside.

The moment she lay down and stared up at the ceiling, she closed her eyes and just basked in being back home, in her bed, away from Roman … ish. He was in her father’s home, and currently in her shower or reading her diary, but that didn’t change the fact she was finally home.

Roman’s home and apartment were all his. His bachelor pad. His domain. Where another woman had decorated and made it the vision he wanted. She was a stranger in his home and in his world.

She didn’t mind not being close to anyone all her life. Having Liam as a dad guaranteed that people weren’t her friend. She lived with it, dealt with it. It was probably the only part of her life that made it easier to deal with Roman’s world.

The shower stopped, and Alex rolled over so she wasn’t facing him. She had no idea where he was going to sleep.

Growling, she shoved her blankets off and then climbed out of bed. The man was an insufferable bastard, and he pissed her off all the damn time.

She walked back into her closet and grabbed spare blankets and some pillows.

With them in hand, she stepped back into her bedroom at the same time as Roman entered.


