Mafia Monster’s Forced Bride Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82517 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

“We’ve got this. I’m going to be by your side the entire night. You don’t have to worry. I promise you.”

The limousine came to a stop outside of the house, and he stared up at the main doors. Soldiers were placed all around the house, and he spotted several up on the roof. This was standard procedure for any event, but even still, it made him a little nervous about the threat held against his wife.

“You’re right. I’m being silly. We’ve got this. We’ve totally got this.”

And she still took in deep breaths.

“What are you most nervous about?” he asked.

“Getting this wrong, flinching away from your touch. Panicking. I’m not used to being in the spotlight. I’d rather be back home, watching a movie with the kids, or, you know, lying in bed.”

Roman placed his hand on her thigh and slowly started to tease up her leg. It had already been too long since he last touched her. Each night that he’d come up to bed, Alex had been fast asleep, so he had no choice but to take care of himself in the bathroom. Otherwise, he would’ve made a total fool of himself.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Do you need me to relax you? I can stroke this pretty pussy, get you nice and wet, and not let you come. You’ll be so relaxed and begging for me to take care of it later.” He cupped her face with his other hand, his thumb tracing across her full lips. “And you’d enjoy it. I know you liked having my tongue on your pussy, Alex.”

“Roman?” She gasped his name, and he couldn’t resist taking possession of her lips and kissing her hard and deep.

It had been too long since he’d felt those lips against his, even though it was just that morning.

Did Alex even realize they’d gotten into the habit of kissing each other? It wasn’t a passing kiss of strangers either. Each time was more passionate than the last. He looked forward to feeling her lips on his, and as he kissed her now, he didn’t feel her tense once. She’d stopped flinching away or trying to avoid his touch. She was slowly starting to accept him.

He could feel it.

This wasn’t a victory to him, though. This was something else. It was like he needed her to want him, to be just as desperate to be in his company as he was to be in hers.

“Roman,” she said, moaning.

“Tell me you want it.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“Because once you start, I don’t think I’ll ever want you to stop.”

He growled and then reached for her hand to press it against his hardening cock. “Feel what you do to me. How desperate I am for you.” He groaned, resting his forehead against hers.

“We better go inside.”


Neither of them moved. They both panted.

He didn’t want to give her up. His cell phone rang incessantly in his pocket. “I’ll lead,” he said.

After opening the car door, he stepped out, making sure to button his jacket and smooth it out to hide the outline of his erection. He wasn’t a fucking schoolboy, but she made him lose control.

Once at her side of the door, he held the door open and presented his hand for her to take, which she did with a smile at him.

They had practiced this in the basement a few times. Alex had to get used to looking at him, and the first couple of times they tried it, her face was always bright red.

Staring at her now, he saw the fullness of her lips, and she looked so beautiful. The gown he’d ordered accentuated her curves. It wasn’t drab or dull. The color was a shocking red, a sign of passion. The neckline curved around her tits, pushing them together and showcasing the fullness of them. The gown tapered in at her waist, flared out over her hips, and of course, there was a gorgeous slit in the side. When she walked, it teased at her juicy thick thighs.

Her body was beautiful, and even now, dressed, he wanted to see her naked again. In fact, Roman wanted the time to explore her beautiful body. To get to know every single part of her and to learn what made her ache, what made her pussy soaked.

There would be time for that.

Roman was determined to be patient. To go at Alex’s pace. This was completely unheard of. If the capos beneath his father knew he hadn’t bedded his virgin wife, and hadn’t taken her regularly, they’d consider him weak. He’d be a laughingstock of the Greco line. His father might even disown him if the news ever got out.

With Alex’s lips so red and swollen, they shouldn’t suspect a thing. By the end of the night, he planned on everyone believing he was infatuated with his wife and couldn’t keep his hands off her, which was entirely true.


