Make a Wish (Spark House #3) Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Spark House Series by Helena Hunting

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

“Is that a promise or a warning?”

The corner of his mouth turns up in a salacious half grin. “Both?”

“Good. You can romance me later. I just need you in me.” I pull my dress over my head, dropping it on the floor and leaving me in a pair of lace panties and a matching bra. Gavin cups my breasts in his hand and drops his head, sucking a lace-covered nipple between his lips.

We’re frantic as we undress each other, desperate and needy. My panties end up a casualty, too delicate for Gavin’s rough fingers as he drags them down my thighs.

He grimaces and tosses them on the floor. “Sorry about that. I’ll replace these.” He licks up the length of my sex, nuzzling in for a moment as he passes me the condom.

“We could go without if you want,” I suggest breathlessly.

He lifts his head, expression questioning.

“I’m on the pill. I’m very regimented about taking it.” I bite my lip, waiting, wishing I’d kept my mouth shut.

“It’s better to go with. We don’t want any accidents.” He presses a kiss at the apex of my thighs, eyes holding gentle warning mixed with apology.

“Of course.”

My eyes roll up when he strokes at me with his tongue again. I let my head fall back for a moment, my worry dissolving with need. I tear the condom open, and he plucks it from my fingers, sheathing himself. As he rises, he grips under my thighs and lifts me. I grab onto his shoulders and wrap my legs around his waist. He doesn’t carry me across the room to the bed; instead, he pins me to the door. “You okay with this?”

“More than okay.” He nudges at my entrance. “Fuck me, please.”

“Your wish, my command.” He lowers me onto him, filling me completely with one quick thrust.

My head falls back against the door and my eyes roll up. I hiss a quiet yes, reveling in the fullness.

“You feel so damn good.” His lips move across my jaw, nipping gently.

“I can’t get enough of you,” I tell him, breathless and heady with desire.

“Good, because I don’t think we’re going to get much in the way of sleep this weekend.” His hips pull back and shift forward again. Fill. Retreat. Fill. Retreat.

The door is hard and cold against my back, but the heat of his chest and his hungry kisses, the way his fingers dig into my thighs, gripping tightly as he moves, warm me from the inside. I can feel the orgasm building. The slow spiral, sensation spreading, moving through my limbs, funneling in, like the eye of a tornado, violent and overwhelming. I’m being dragged down, down, down, and then I burst like an exploding star. And all I can do is feel.

Gavin moves inside of me, groaning my name. Bodies already slick with sweat and suddenly lax and lazy with pleasure. To his credit, he doesn’t sink to the floor. I’m boneless, struggling to keep my legs locked around his waist, and he carries me across the room, to the bed, which is close to the fireplace. The room is one big open space, the only door leading to the bathroom. He stretches out on top of me and kisses along my throat. “I have zero plans to leave this bed now that we’re in it.”

He pulls out slowly and removes the condom, dropping it on the floor. And then he kisses his way down my stomach and settles between my thighs, teasing me with his mouth, taking his time with me, like he promised.

After a ridiculous number of orgasms we take a hydration break, and we stretch out on the bed. I run my fingertips along his arm. “I’m sorry about the condom thing earlier.” I probably should let it go and leave the subject alone.

“You don’t have to apologize.” He folds an arm behind his head. “You just caught me off guard. I don’t want to take that kind of risk.”

“You don’t want to take that risk ever, or now?”

He blinks a couple of times. “Honestly, I see a future with you, and you’re amazing with kids, so I want to keep an open mind about what that could look like for us, but for now, I need us to be safe.” He blows out a breath. “I want time for us to be a couple, and an unplanned pregnancy would make it difficult for us to have the time we need to figure us out. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, it makes perfect sense. I just … I wasn’t sure because of what you’ve already been through.” I don’t want to push too much, but I’m honestly surprised that he feels this way.

He traces the edge of my jaw. “I’m not going to lie, the idea is scary as hell, but I think it’s a lot easier to deal with if we know it’s coming than if it happens by accident. Okay?”


