Mr. Masters Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 141
Estimated words: 141251 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 706(@200wpm)___ 565(@250wpm)___ 471(@300wpm)

What a way to go, though.

Nobody even knows I’m here tonight. I didn’t tell Emerson. He could be a serial killer for all I know.

The lift goes all the way to the top. When the doors open, he picks up my hand and kisses the back of it, and the two of us walk down the corridor.

This hotel is out of this world–so luxurious.

He takes the key from his pocket, opens the door, and my eyes widen.

In front of me is a huge sitting room, housing a beautiful couch along with two armchairs that sit in front of a fireplace. On the table, there's a silver bucket filled with ice, as well as a bottle of champagne and a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries to compliment it. There are also two very expensive crystal glasses waiting to be filled.

To the left, there's a king-size bed with velvet coverings draped over the top, and a huge, gilded gold standing mirror has been placed in front of the window, facing the bed. I can see the white marble bathroom down the hall.

“Wow,” I whisper as I look around.

Julian walks to the table and pours two glasses of champagne before he hands one to me. I take a sip, and he cups my face in his palm, licking the remnants of moisture from my lips.

His tongue explores my mouth, and my insides begin to melt.

I pull back and take another sip, my breathing becoming ragged.

“Don’t be nervous. I won’t hurt you.”

“I just haven’t…” My voice trails off.

“You haven’t what?” He holds my glass up to my lips, urging me to drink more.

“I haven’t had sex in over a year.”

He smiles as his hand roams around to my behind. “Do you have any idea what an aphrodisiac that is?”

His lips drop to my neck, and I take the opportunity to drain my glass.

I need the whole fucking bottle.

His hands roam over my dress, his palm settling on my breast before he squeezes it roughly.

“I need you naked. I need you naked now.” In one swift move, he lifts my dress over my head until I’m left standing before him in nothing but my red lingerie.

He smiles as he slowly traces his finger over my breast, and then down my stomach, over my sex. “I’ve been dreaming about this,” he whispers.

“You have?”

“You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”

My breathing falters as my nerves take over, and I desperately try to control it, but it’s no use.

Julian reaches around and unlatches my bra, removing it slowly. His eyes glow with arousal as he leans back and inspects me, cupping my breast in his hand, once again.

“You have bigger breasts than I thought.” He bends down, takes one in his mouth, and begins to suck.

My eyes close and my head falls back. Holy shit.

He slides my panties down my legs, removing them from my feet until I’m standing before him, completely naked.

His eyes flicker with arousal, and all his control slips away when he presses forward and kisses me aggressively. His hands are in my hair, rough whiskers against my face, and his tongue delves deeper into my mouth.

Arousal thrums between my legs and he walks me over to the mirror at the end of the bed, turning me to stand in front of it.

Breaking away, he walks to a large, dark green ottoman that’s been placed in front of the fire. He lifts and drags it closer, bringing it to me. “Put your leg up on this.”

I frown.

He lifts one of my legs so that it is resting up on the ottoman.

He drops to his knees in front of me.

Dear God.

When Julian leans in and presses his face into my sex, I close my eyes and listen to the way he inhales deeply.

Holy fucking hell.

His mouth drops lower and lower. He pulls my sex apart and licks it.

“Watch,” he moans against me.

I drag my eyes to the mirror to see him still dressed in his suit, on his knees in front of me, sucking on my sex. His head bobs back and forth, and his eyes are closed, like he’s getting as much pleasure from this as I am. I feel like I’m having an out of body experience, hovering way above watching.

He’s a god.

All at once he seems to lose control and he lifts my leg higher to give himself better access. I whimper as I hold the back of his head, pressing him to me.

My mouth hangs open, desperate for oxygen as my breathing gets heavier, when Julian suddenly stands and kicks his shoes off. “Undress me,” he commands.

I take off his jacket, and then slowly unbutton his shirt. His chest is broad and he has a scattering of dark hair there.

My body begins to tingle.

I peel his shirt open and push it over his shoulders. My eyes roam over him. He’s absolutely perfect. I unfasten his trousers and then slowly slide them down his legs, along with his briefs.


