Mr. Masters Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 141
Estimated words: 141251 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 706(@200wpm)___ 565(@250wpm)___ 471(@300wpm)

Shit. I think for a moment.

I know. I have a nightdress and gown. I take off my underwear and throw on my black silky nightdress, along with my white fluffy gown to cover it, and then I walk back out into the living room. My heart is beating fast as my adrenaline takes over

He’s going to touch me.

“Hurry up, Brell,” Willow calls.

I walk into the living room to find the kids on the floor facing the television, and Julian at one end of the sofa. He pats the space next to him as his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip. “Turn the light off.”

Fuck’s sake, there isn’t a hotter man on Earth than him.

I turn the light off and sit down next to him. He throws the large blanket over both of us.

Terminator 2 starts playing, but I have absolutely zero interest in the movie.

“Lie down,” he mouths.

I do as I'm told and put my legs on his lap. The blanket is completely covering us.

He grabs my foot and rubs it over his hard cock through his pants, and I close my eyes when I feel how hard he is.

With his eyes fixed on the television, he undoes my robe and then puts my back leg up on his shoulder along the sofa. He pushes my other leg forward, effectively opening me right up.

What the hell?

He smiles darkly as his eyes stay fixed on the television, and I watch as the shadows of the television flicker on his face. His hand runs up my calf, and then up my thigh, under my nightdress, to my stomach and my bare breast. He clenches his jaw as he grabs a handful of my breast and squeezes it hard.

I try to concentrate and control my breathing.

What the fuck are we doing?

There are two kids in the room, completely oblivious, but none the less...

He goes to the to other breast and kneads it in the palm of his hand. I can feel the desire in his touch and I nearly combust. He trails his hand down my stomach as he explores my body. His fingers follow my hipbones and my ribs. He grabs my bottom foot and rubs it over his cock again.

Fuck, he’s rock hard.

I close my eyes and enjoy the way my body tingles. This is insane.

For fifteen minutes, his left hand explores every inch of my torso as he touches me tenderly, while his right hand is on my foot that’s over his cock.

Every time he grabs my breast he flexes his cock beneath me, and we both close our eyes and become lost in the moment.

Touch me…

Touch me…

Touch me there.

My pelvis begins to lift off the sofa towards his hand.

I’m losing control. He grabs my foot and grinds himself harder, and I can see his chest rising and falling in the shadows.

God, he’s as hot for this as I am.

He lowers his hand and we both hold our breath. My chin tilts towards the ceiling in anticipation.

His fingers dust through my pubic hair. I don’t have much—an inch square and cut super short —and I see a trace of a smile cross his face, he feels how wet I am and his eyes close and his mouth falls open in awe.

He tips his head back and mouths the word, “Fuck.”

Oh God, I’m so hot for it right now.

His thumb glides back and forth through my open flesh, and he turns, his eyes holding mine as he pushes his thumb inside me.

I clench, and he shudders.

He’s going to come. He’s going to come, just from touching me.

Manic killing breaks out on the blaring television, and everyone is screaming with gunshots ringing out all around us, but all I can feel is tranquil ecstasy.

He grinds my foot hard onto his cock, and we both clench to hold the orgasm off.

He pulls my body down towards him with force, so that my hips are nearly on his lap, edging towards losing control.

He wants right-handed access.

Our eyes lock as he slides two fingers deep inside of me. His mouth hangs open as he starts to ride me deep.

Thank God it’s dark. Who knows what this looks like?

With his left hand clutching my breast, his right-hand fingers are deep within my sex, and he slides them all the way in, and then all the way out. In and out. Every time he slides them in I feel the burn of the stretch, and I know that’s his aim.

This is so damn good.

In, out, around and around, all while trying to keep his arm as still as possible. We do this for nearly an hour. Every time I get close, he takes away the pressure and moves back to my breasts. I’m going out of my mind and I don’t give a single fuck if the Terminator gets killed.


