My Bad Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Bear Bottom Guardians MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 75643 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

Cranking up the shower to blistering, I stepped inside and felt relief surge through me.

I had three days off, and I was going to spend every single one of them doing nothing.

Hopefully, anyway.

It was in between rinsing my hair of the shampoo suds that a snort had me looking down at Bacon, who was pressing his nose to my glass shower door.

I didn’t wonder how he’d gotten in—I knew that it was Hoax. Nobody else would take their time to let my animals in if they had been in here for ulterior motives.

I left him outside for a reason, though, and Hoax learned that the hard way when he tried to get in the shower with me and Bacon followed him inside.

“Why do you think I leave him outside while I’m showering?” I whispered.

He cursed as he tried to shove Bacon back out, but in the end, Bacon and his massive tub of lard body won.

The moment he realized Hoax was giving up, he flopped himself down between my legs and allowed the shower spray to hit him fully.

I continued my shower, used to this, causing Hoax to stare at me in wonder.

“There was a rather large piece of bacon walking down Bayou’s driveway, and I thought I’d bring him home before Bayou decided to smoke him.” That voice sent chills down my spine.

I smiled but didn’t talk.

“You okay?” he asked, rubbing my shoulders with his large, strong hands.

He too was having to straddle Bacon, but he didn’t act like he cared.

He’d come to tolerate a lot from my animals over the last week.

I shook my head. “Headache.”

His hands moved up the length of my neck, causing my legs to feel like putty at the sheer relief he brought on with his skillful fingers.

“You take something for it?” he asked, sounding too knowledgeable for his own good.

“I always have headaches,” I murmured to the man behind me. “Nothing touches them. Not Motrin. Not Tylenol. Not even Excedrin that’s supposed to be made for migraine sufferers. Hell, I’ve even tried prescriptions from my doctor. Other than helping me lose ten pounds, that didn’t help, either.”

Handing him the shampoo, I moved toward the conditioner and loaded so much into my palm that some would’ve thought it was too much.

It wasn’t.

Not only had my mother graced me with her good looks, but I also got her mass of curly, thick hair. It took a lot of conditioner to keep my locks in a somewhat manageable state.

Once I had the conditioner lathered in well, I put the bottle down and reached for the soap while keeping my hair out of the spray. Spray in which Hoax reached over to remove the shower head in order to rinse the suds from his hair.

With the way Bacon was positioned, we couldn’t get close enough to each other to share the spray.

“This is wild,” he said softly. “Who knew pigs liked water?”

“He likes mud more,” I admitted. “But I don’t do mud.”

When I pulled the soap out of the shower caddy I had it resting on, it slipped from my hands. It rolled down the side of the shower and wedged between the wall and the pig.

Hoax started to laugh and bent over to reach for the soap. As he did, I got a good view of his muscular back, and a tendril of want poured through me. I reached forward and ran one finger along his spine, trailing it upward until I met his hairline.

He stood back up with the soap, and I let my hand drop away.

“Here,” he said, placing the soap in my hands.

I smiled, but it instantly fell away when even the slightest movement of lifting my cheeks caused my brain to pound.

Hoax missed nothing, though.

Taking the soap back from me, he rubbed it along my body.

It wasn’t sexual. He did it quickly and methodically, not stopping until every single part of me was squeaky clean.

Though, I did see that his cock was rock hard.

“Rinse your hair,” he ordered.

I did, letting my head fall back and my eyes fall closed as I let the water pour down over me.

I lifted my hands to help coax all of the conditioner out of my hair and didn’t stop until it no longer felt slick.

When I was done, I opened my eyes and found Hoax’s on me, burning.

I smiled weakly at him and he just shook his head, leaning past me to put the soap back on the shower caddy before reaching for the showerhead.

“Why don’t you towel off and get dressed while I rinse off?” he suggested.

I would have, but I didn’t want to move.

Which he noticed and smiled over.

“Go. Then I’ll order us pizza…” He stopped at the shake of my head.

“I don’t want pizza.”

He frowned. “I can go get you anything you want.”

I felt emotion roll over me. “The only thing that sounds good right now is food that’s forty minutes away, so I think it’s best if I just find a snack.”


