My Curvy Belle Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 51159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 256(@200wpm)___ 205(@250wpm)___ 171(@300wpm)

I felt like playing with her so after she’d fucked herself on my cock to another orgasm I pulled out and laid between her thighs. I ran my fingertip along the fat swell of her tummy.

“I’ve decided to mark you.” She has a fascination with my ink but she’s afraid of the needle. “Nothing major, just a tramp stamp with the word owned with my initials.”

She shivered and wrapped her legs around me. Then I felt her limbs loosen and saw a wary look on her face. I didn’t even want to guess at what the fuck she was about to say to me next. I just knew from that look that it wasn’t going to be good.

I should’ve expected it. She’d been with Jennifer for two days after all. I haven’t met her in the flesh but from what I’ve seen so far that girl is trouble. The thing is she loves my girl like a sister, so I don’t care how much trouble she gets up to, she’s good people to me.

I didn’t say anything because if there’s one thing she’s learned in the last few months, it’s not to keep shit from me. She does not like the consequences. I’d found that even an hour of cold treatment was too much for her.

That’s usually all it takes to get her little ass back in line when she does some off colored shit to piss me off. Her asshole ex hadn’t called again but that could be because I’d changed her number and told her grandmother not to give her any more fucking messages from that fuck.

I was very aware of her as she geared up herself to tell me whatever it is that was on her mind. It didn’t take long. “Daddy.” That’s her, ‘I know I’m gonna get it but I’ma try to ease out of it anyway’ voice.

“Yes baby.” I kissed her navel and dipped my tongue inside.

“There was a guy there.” The fuck! I didn’t change my facial expression or stopped trailing patterns in her flesh with my fingertip.

“A guy where baby?”

“Um at the party. But I swear daddy I didn’t know he was gonna be there.”

“Don’t swear baby it’s a sin.” That would be the bachelorette party she’d gone to New York to attend.

“Okay daddy well I promise then.”

“A promise is only a comfort to a fool baby, that one’s no good either.”

“Okay well what you want me to use then daddy?” I rolled to my side and put my hands under my head in a relaxed pose.

“Just tell the truth baby, that’s good enough for daddy.”

“Oh, okay, then, daddy. I didn’t know he was gonna be there honest.”

“Tell me, wasn’t Jennifer the one in charge of the preparations for the party?” You see, this is what happens when women think that men don’t listen. They meet a motherfucker like me who’s very attentive to his lady and all her needs.

She’d told me a thousand times about her friend’s wildness and unpredictable nature. I’d heard all the classic stories of the good girl gone bad. In other words, she knew what this woman was capable of.

“Yes daddy.”

“And you’ve known her how long?” She started to cry because she knew I had her. I half expected this shit before I put her ass on the plane. Didn’t I tell these women some shit would happen?

“A long time daddy, but daddy…”

“Since you two were knee high to a grasshopper ain’t it?” I have got to stop hanging around my ranch hands. All my L.A. swag was long gone.

“Yes daddy but…”

“Was this the first party Jen ever hosted?”

“No daddy.” She was full on crying now and I could see her getting twitchy out the side of my eye.

“Well, how is it that you didn’t know what all was gonna be going on at the party then? Didn’t Jen tell you what all she was planning?”

“She tried daddy but see…”

“What do you mean tried?” Now if she’s about to lie to me that’s a big fucking no-no. I draw the line at that shit. Once you start down that road the shit gets easier and easier to do so I’d just as soon she not go there.

“Well see daddy, she started to tell me but I stopped her.” Ah, that’s my girl.

“And why did you do that?” She looked all around the room but at me. “I’m listening.”

Her eyes flew to my face, no doubt to gauge my mood. I’m sure she knew this shit would piss me off and that’s why I’m pleased that she still had the guts to tell me. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna punish her ass though.

“Well see daddy, I didn’t want her to tell me so after she told me about the drinks and food I told her to surprise me with the rest.” She swallowed hard and bit into her lip.


