My Curvy Belle Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 51159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 256(@200wpm)___ 205(@250wpm)___ 171(@300wpm)

He was tired of life in the fast lane and was ready to settle his busy ass down. He had more than enough money in the bank to be a husband and father to a few bigheaded children, so why not.

The doorbell jingled and I looked up to see who was coming in. Well shit! “Charlotte, was that your grandson I just saw leave here?”

“Yes it was.” Mavis Barstow is about the nosiest somebody in three states. Not only that, everyone knows she’s looking for victim number three for that loose crotch daughter of hers, not my baby.

“When did he get back, is he home for good?” That gleam in your eye ain’t fooling nobody heifer. “Don’t get too excited, he’s already spoken for.”

And if he wasn’t I’d shoot him dead before I let that succubus you spawned get her hooks into him. That girl been married twice. Both for money while she hopped on every swinging dick in the county. No thanks.

I didn’t feel bad when her face fell and she went about her business looking around the shop for something else to put in her saditty house. Somebody should’ve told her by now that you can’t buy class.

My husband was forever getting after me for being judgmental when he was alive, but I don’t see telling the truth as being such. If someone shows you her true colors, what the hell are you supposed to do?

The woman said out of her own mouth that she slept her way up and taught her child the same. Now I don’t know about anyone else, but that sounds shady as all hell to me.

I have to remember to keep an eye on her all the same, because once she gets the bit between her teeth she’s known to do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

My grandson is a catch and everybody around here knows it. Then again they know me too, and unless she wants to find herself at the end of my wrath she’d steer clear. Humph!


I checked my watch for the fourth time and gave some serious thought to heading out to aunt Charlie’s place. I wasn’t getting anything done anyway so I might as well.

I barely restrained myself because for some reason, I wanted her to make the call. Looking back I can see where I’d come on a little strong and may have scared the little filly some.

Especially now that I know she’d just gone through a divorce. She probably has a strong hate for men right now, but I wasn’t about to let that shit stop me no how.

“Ma, what’s going on? You need something?” That’s the third time I caught her peeping through the curtains at me. Not sure what she’s after but I know it’s something.

“Oh nothing son, I’m expecting a package is all.” She disappeared from the window and I took a walk down to the paddock to watch the horses.

It was nice to be back in my hometown where life was like three speeds behind everywhere else. It had taken some getting used to the first few days back, but I had finally found my stride again and was over the fear that I’d made a mistake.

After years in the entertainment business, behind the scenes of course, I’ve decided to come back home to my roots and do some things. But it was like culture shock being back in the fold after being on my own for so long.

I’d grown a bit tired though, of life and the way that shit was going. Even before my grandma and mama started their nagging shit. So one day I’d just said the hell with it and packed up for home.

It’s easy to do that shit when you have money. Not that my family was hard up before. We’ve always been comfortable, I’ve just always wanted more. At least I used to think I did.

I used to want the bright lights and fast pace. No family around to eyeball my shit? I was here for it. But in the last year or so I started getting restless and missing the simpler things in life.

Like the sweet smell of grass after a hard rain. The feel of the sun on my face as I ride the back forty on my family’s land that has been in our hands for the past two hundred years.

Ginger lemonade on the back porch, swatting flies. And the sound of my mama’s laughter as she cut up on the front porch on a warm summer’s day with her girlfriends.

My mind went to the beauty I’d just met a few hours ago and I felt that thing in my gut that told me something good was waiting for me right around the corner. I could see her here, in the midst of my sweet childhood memories.


