My Royal Showmance (Park Avenue Promise #2) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Funny, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: Park Avenue Promise Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 95609 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

“Shelby, production would like a private moment with you,” Christy says, as she frowns my way. “And don’t listen to a word she says. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. You’re doing great. You are making some great television.”

Shelby gives me a death stare as she walks away, Christy’s hand on her arm.

“You’re doing so well,” Christy assures her.

I’m almost certain I hear her telling Shelby that I’m the jealous one. Which I am not. So not.

“Thanks,” Emily says. “I’m starting to realize not everyone here is nice. Thank you for sticking up for me.” She frowns suddenly. “And these shorts look good on me.”

“They do. They make your legs look a mile long. Though we should talk about how to play football.” I think girls should take sports seriously if we’re going to play them. I personally was a beast on the volleyball team at my college, and it taught me a lot. It taught me I can get overly aggressive about a few things, hold a mean grudge, and how to gently turn down a chick who could potentially behead me with her biceps.

A low sigh comes from behind me. “That’s going to have to wait, Anika. We need to talk.”

I turn, and Joe is standing there.

“Emily, if I could have a moment with your friend,” he says with what appears to be a weary smile.

“Of course.” Emily gives me a wave and runs off.

“Anika, you can’t talk to the other contestants that way.” Joe looks all paternal as he stares down at me. “I understand that Shelby is a lot to handle, but you know why she’s here.”

“I thought I did. I thought she was probably here to get famous,” I admit. “Turns out she’s really here to transform her life from everyday American girl to world-famous rich queen. She’s going to be surprised.”

“You can’t talk about that, either.” His voice has gone low, and he looks around as though trying to make sure no one can overhear us. “We have to maintain the illusion of wealth and glamour, and honestly, it’s not like the king is broke. I assure you he can still keep a wife in style. But we have to pretend like whoever wins his heart is going to be the next Princess Di.”

“Well, we all know how that worked out for her.” The world doesn’t treat women who demand respect kindly. We’re supposed to take the scraps they’re willing to give us with a smile and never complain.

“Ani, come on. You know how this works. I’m not the bad guy here. The show needs a couple of Shelbys to move the drama along,” Joe explains. “Don’t make it harder. He can cut her at four, but we need her until then since he already got rid of Janice. I was against that, but he picked you instead.”

“Because the producers forced him to.” I know I’m ignoring the truth, but I don’t want to admit it.

Joe snorts. “I assure you no one makes the king do anything he doesn’t want to. Or doesn’t feel is necessary. The producers gave him their opinion. Up until the moment he sent Janice home, I was under the impression he was going to do as I’d asked and eliminate you.”

I can’t help but think about the fact that Luca told me he’d known he would keep me from the minute I fell out of that carriage. “I told him I wanted to go.”

“You always have the option of eliminating yourself. I think it would be a mistake, but I certainly can’t keep you here.”

I’m not sure why I didn’t think of that myself. Probably because my dumb girl heart is already thinking about the fact that I’ll have to stay away from him. I’ll have to watch him go through all of this, and he won’t sneak into my room at night. Which I totally do not want him to do. I’ll have to watch him pick some other woman’s heart to break. Which should sound like an excellent idea to me, but it doesn’t.

“I’ll think about it. Maybe I can make an announcement tonight or something. I can be back at work in the morning.”

“No. I think it’s better if you leave, that you don’t come back. Patrick’s already hired someone. I think you would be a distraction. I’ll call some friends and see if I can get you on another set,” he offers. “It shouldn’t take me more than a day or two.”

My gut clenches because I realize what an awful bind he’s just put me in. “You told me I could move back to my job.”

“Yes, and it would have worked if you had been eliminated and almost no one knew you. You’ve made an impression now, Anika, and I don’t think you’re going to be able to gently shift back into an assistant role,” Joe tells me. “I also don’t think it would be particularly good for your mental health to have to basically serve these women.”


