My Stalker – My Protector Read Online Jessa Kane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Insta-Love, Novella, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 25708 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

“I’m taking your panties off now, Scout,” I say into her ear, sounding choked.

“Um…” She shifts against me. “No one has ever taken off my panties before.”

My balls squeeze like they’re in a vise, as does my skull, my soul, every cell in my body. “Are you saying you’re a virgin?”

“Yes,” she whispers, sneaking a look up at me, as if to get my reaction.

I scrub my palms down the slopes of her buttocks and clutch it hard in both hands, erotic visions plaguing me. How easy it would be to bounce her up and down on my cock like a tight little toy. “I already knew, Scout.”

She sucks in a breath. “How?”

I drag her thong down, over the pert cheeks of her ass, past the crease on the underside, letting it drop to midthigh. And immediately I know I overestimated my control. Simply knowing her sex is exposed in my kitchen is enough to make me goddamn feral. My mouth begins to water, my pulse thundering in my ears. The need to spin her around and shove her face down over my table for a fuck is nearly unbearable, but I overcome it, because this obsession with Scout is multifaceted. I want to slake my lust with her body. I want to scare her to keep her from dating. Right now, however, when she is standing in front of me, so soft and warm and trusting, all I want to do is be her hero. Make her feel safe.

These impulses war with each other, turning my head into an inferno.

What should I do? The good side of me begs me to let her go. Set her free.

She’s not in danger from anyone but me, after all.

But she says something to eclipse that last vestige of good inside of me.

Shock blends into the mix when she lifts up onto her toes, pressing her mouth to my jawline. “Should I take my shirt off now?”

My stomach muscles contract so violently, I have to grind my teeth. There is something in her tone of voice that I wasn’t expecting. Is it a hint of…excitement? Is that too much to hope for? I tilt her chin up with two fingers, searching. Hoping. “Do you want to show me those pretty freshman tits, Scout?”

Her eyelids appear to grow heavier. “I…I don’t know.” Her voice falls to a whisper. “I think so.”

Color blossoms in my brain, turning the black and white to vibrant shades of green and scarlet and indigo. She wants to take her shirt off for me? Is this a dream? Perhaps it’s not an authentic crush, though. Maybe she’s just grateful that I am willing to guard her for the weekend when she’s obviously very scared.

Don’t take advantage of that. Don’t.

Lord, I can’t help it.

“I’m not just going to protect you, Scout,” I vow, tucking a long strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “I’m going to catch this motherfucker.”

She seems to be holding her breath. “Really?”

“Yes.” I trace her jawline with my thumb, shaken by how smooth she is everywhere. “In order for me to do that, though, I need to think like him. I need to get inside his head. Do you understand?”

A line forms between her brows, like she’s confused. “How will you do that?”

I should stop this, but it’s too late to turn back now. “By wanting what he wants,” I say, beginning to breathe hard at the sheer anticipation. “By having what he dreams about. That’s how I’m going to get inside of his head, Scout. Starting now.”

The panties around her knees fall the final distance to her ankles. We both see it happen in our periphery and now she starts to breathe faster. Not out of fear. No, I know the difference. Perhaps she’s nervous about exploring new territory with me, but she’s a horny girl and I haven’t let her sow a single oat since she arrived at college. Now? She might be apprehensive, but her caution and judgment are being clouded by hormones.

Lucky man.

Evil man.

Taking advantage of this fresh-faced girl. Entrusted to you by your best friend.

Fuck it. I’d go to hell just to witness a bat of her eyelashes.

“Arms up,” I say, against her mouth, slowly unsnapping the body suit where it fastens against her pussy, letting my fingers brush those sweet lips before pulling the garment up, over her white strapless bra, over her head and tossing it onto the table behind her. There is nothing between me and Scout Snyder but a B-cup bra now—but it’s still too much. My fucking skin is too much of a barrier between me and her. The scant inches of air separating us are offensive to me. I want to be fused to her. Suctioned. And that desire has me hissing breaths through my teeth as I unfasten the front clasp of her bra and watch those perfect titties appear, two ripe, palm-sized fantasies, all peachy flesh and rosy nipples.


