Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

They had good imaginations.

“Um, baby?” Daddy looked like his tummy hurt, so I was careful as I took off his pants. “I think one of my limits is going to be not talking about games like that in the diner or town in general.”

Nodding, I played Daddy and crouched down to help him with his pants and undies, and I even pretended not to see his penis since he’d pretended not to see mine. “Other Daddies have that rule and it’s okay. The men at the diner don’t like it but they understand safewords.”

Daddy sighed. “I don’t think I want to know what happened to make them understand that concept.”


I giggled and shook my head. “It’s okay. They know now.”

“I’m glad.” Daddy made another frustrated Daddy sound as I gave him his clothes. “Thank you.”

“Welcome.” I made Daddy so happy. “Do you need help with the potty?”

Hmm…I needed to ask Kenzie if the men knew there were potty games too.

“Do you want to help?” Daddy folded all the clothes nice and neat before putting on his shower shoes too.

I shrugged. “I’m a good helper.”

His penis didn’t tell me if he wanted help or not either, but Daddy figured it out. “Then why don’t you take the shampoo into the shower area and I’ll hurry?”

“Okay.” Shampoo and wash stuff and my scrubby. “I got other cleaner stuff but I don’t do that here.”

Daddy made a thinking sound before he hummed. “Yes, other cleaning stuff. I think that’s a very good decision. You can bring that stuff to the motel if you’d like. What do you think about alternating nights between here and the motel?”

One and two and one and two.

“Yes. I like Wren and the big bed and all the food close by.” But I liked my stuff. “Can I bring toys?”

“Of course.” Daddy finished and was washing his hands. Daddies all liked being clean. Even the other littles in the diner said so. “We’ll make a list.”

Planner Daddy.

“Thank you, Daddy.” I had everything all set when Daddy came over to the water and wrapped his arms around me as he moved us into the spray. “Ready to play, Daddy?”

Wiggling my bottom, I rubbed his penis. It was getting happier. He was ready to play but was Daddy?

He groaned.


He was ready to play.

“I have a very tempting mate.” Daddy started rocking me back and forth so my bottom rubbed his penis. “And I’ve been waiting all day long to play with him.”

He’d wanted to play too.

“Kenzie talked his Daddy into being naughty in the closet, but we were good and we didn’t play with our penises.” Kenzie liked being naughty. “The men at the diner said that Kenzie’s Daddy doesn’t understand he can tell Kenzie no.”

I didn’t think we should tattle. Kenzie liked having a yes Daddy. But my Daddy laughed. “You have found out the most interesting gossip.”

“Information, Daddy. I like information because I’m smart.” I shrugged as he pressed his face into my shoulder and giggled. “But I share with you because you’re smart too.”

Kissing me, Daddy made another silly sound. “We’re both smart enough to know to keep our clothes on while we’re working.”

“We could be less smart tomorrow, Daddy.” I shrugged and tried to sound like oh well, it’ll be alright.

Daddy snickered. “How about I promise to let you pick out any game you want to play at the hotel tomorrow night if we behave while we’re working?”

“I thought you’d say that.” Daddy wouldn’t want to get his pretty clothes dirty. “I like your plan, Daddy.”

He liked that.

“I’m glad.” Daddy made a happy noise and started rubbing my chest. “And I like your plan for the shower.”


Shower playtime was fun but shower playtime with Daddy was going to be the bestest.

He gave kisses and cuddles and pinches too.

“Such pretty sounds from my boy.” Daddy hummed and rocked me against him again. “Be my helper and squirt some of the bodywash in my hand, baby.”

I was such a good helper.

I made his hand slippery and he held me tight.

Safety first.

Oh…tight pinches too.

I liked safety.

“You like that.” Daddy chuckled and sounded naughty when he pinched my nipple again. “I’m going to have to find some new toys for my boy.”

“I…I like toys.” I liked Daddy’s pinches too. “What…what kind of toys, Daddy?”

“We could get some clamps for these little nipples. I think they’d like a tugging game.” Daddy showed me a tiny bit of the tugging game and sent happy sparks through me. “I could give some parts of you soft, gentle touches and then give your nipples nice tugs. That would be fun.”

Oh…like…like that.

Daddy was rubbing my penis with soft touches and then tugging and pinching my nipples. “I…I think I’ll like that game, Daddy.”

Daddy hummed and I knew he liked knowing he’d had a good idea. “There are little biting ones that have sharp teeth and gentle ones that just give tugs. We might have to try them both.”


