Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

He barely managed to hold back his giggle. “He appreciates that. It makes him feel special. And sneaky.”

Chuckling, I hugged him tight and then turned us to fall back on the bed. That got a laugh out of him too but it was quickly followed by sexy wiggles that got a moan out of me. “He’s sneaky and naughty.”

Merritt’s eyes sparkled as he gave me another kiss and scrambled to sit up. When he was straddling my chest, he gave me another wiggle. “He’s also king of the hill…or dragon in this case.”

Giving him a teasing glare, I raised one eyebrow. “Really? Do you want to test that?”

His sexy little shiver said he wanted to say whatever answer would give him the best orgasm. “How would you test me, Daddy?”

One hand reached forward to caress my neck and head, and his other reached back to stroke the bulge that was barely being restrained by my briefs. “Would it be a thorough test?”

Giving one ass cheek a smack, I loved the way his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. “Very thorough.”

A little smile peeked out of my naughty mate, but he rocked back and forth, letting out a low moan as he clenched. “But I’ve been a good boy, Daddy.”

That probably depended on the definition we were using, but he distracted me by pinching my nipple before I could explain that. “I’m a good boy who loves how beautiful the room is and how wonderful you are at taking care of me.”

“I should not be this easily bribed or distracted.” My growled-out drama had him pressing his lips together. “Are you laughing? Hmm?”


He managed not to let it escape and shook his head, though.

After a few more seconds, he swallowed and licked his lips. “No, Daddy. I’m just very glad all your focus is on me. It makes me feel special.”


“That’s a good one.” My grin got a matching one peeking out of Merritt. “You win. King of the dragon hill.”

He managed not to giggle, but I could see his little side peeking out and thoroughly enjoying the teasing. “Does that mean I get my prize?”

Before I could answer, he glanced up at the nightstand. “It looks like the room is not only beautiful but very well prepared too.”

“What can I say? I like to be prepared.” As I shrugged, we both ignored the dramatic sound that came through the too thin for dragons wall.

Somehow even Merritt managed not to laugh. “I appreciate it. It’s very special. Thank you.”

Judging by the sigh we heard, that helped soothe Wren’s ruffled feathers and Merritt finally giggled, flopping back down on me and burying his face against my neck. We were both nearly sliding off the bed, but I wrapped my arms around him and braced my feet against the carpet. “You are worth any effort or ridiculousness.”

That got a cute snicker and his lips inched up to my ear as he dropped his voice to a whisper. “What happened?”

I gave a low groan. “He was dressed like a squirrel. I don’t know what I interrupted, but you have to make sure he understands that it’s not my business. I don’t want to know.”

“I’ll save you, Daddy.” Kissing my cheek, Merritt lifted his head, still wearing his adorable grin. “After we play the game I picked out.”

“I think that’s very fair.” Shifting, I gave him a quick peck. “You’re the king after all.”

And it was time he got his prize.


I knew I was the best, so it was good to see he knew that too.

Chapter 20


Daddy was thinking something ridiculous, but his smirk was so sexy he sent a shiver through me. That made him even more confident and he slid his hand down to squeeze my ass. “You’re being too tempting again.”

He didn’t seem to realize that saying I was going to make him come too fast was one of the sexiest things ever. “Don’t worry. I tease and I follow through.”

Because it was going to be the best game ever.


Had to stay big.

Just because both sides of me were having fun didn’t mean little me got to come out to play.

“I can’t wait.” Daddy reached up and stroked my face. “Show me how we should play the game.”

He wasn’t helping me stay big and I had a feeling he knew it based on how fun he was making everything.

“Kisses. We start the game with kisses.” I lifted my head to give him another one, but he had a different plan.

He wrapped his hands around my torso and lifted me up, using that dragon strength of his to move me higher on the bed and gently lay me down. “There we go. Now you won’t fall.”

He was so rational and levelheaded that sometimes I forgot he was a dragon…and then he did something to remind me.


