Nanny and the Beast Read Online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 60377 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 302(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 201(@300wpm)

"And I want to watch,” the words slipped out before she realized it. Our eyes clashed before she could regain her senses.

I shot out my feet and kicked her off the couch. “Get out, you creep. Your ten minutes are over.”

Laughing, she pulled the mask off her face and hurried away from my attack. “I’m not even going to take that back. From all you’ve said, assuming you weren't exaggerating, I’d pay money to watch him pounding into you... you grabbing those thick muscles for dear life...”

“Get out!” I yelled, throwing a cushion at her.

She dodged it and went on teasing me. “The tight walls of your pussy milking his hard, thick cock.”

“You’re sick.”

“Oh, wait—” She stopped suddenly and looked very worried. “What if he has a small cock?”

“Get lost,” I added, throwing another cushion at her.

She laughingly evaded it. “Now that would make an excellent end to this story.”

“It’s already ended. We agreed that he would not pursue me. He gave me his word. And I believed him.”

“No, no, no,” she cried dramatically. “We need an ending to this story. Is his cock big or not?”

“I’m going there to be the nanny of a seriously unhappy little girl, not report to you on the size of his cock.”

Her smile was demonic. “You’ve obviously never heard of multi-tasking.”

“Never heard the word,” I denied, amused in spite of myself.

She sobered up. “On a serious note, you do realize I was only fooling around. I don’t expect you to sleep with your boss. In fact, while you were at your interview I did a little research and—”

“In the tabloids? Are you kidding me?”

“They’re not entirely wrong about everything,” she defended. “And the word is Yuri Volkov is somehow connected to the Russian Mafia.”

“I did my research too and I never found any mention of that. Are these the same tabloids that claim the Queen is a reptilian?”

“First of all, you were probably distracted by his looks and stopped your investigation there. Secondly, I got the reptilian stuff from the History channel, actually if you look closely at the Queen—”

I laughed and started walking out of the room. “Enough, enough! I have to pack.”

Charlotte followed me. “You know the Mafia don’t take prisoners. They kill their victims!”

For a second, I thought about the dark amusement on Yuri Volkov’s face as I stood in front of him shaking with horror at my own violence. Then I put it away and turned around. “You really have to stop reading the tabloids.”

“I told you I didn’t get that from the tabloids. I watched all The Godfather movies.”

I sighed heavily.

“I’m serious, April. I know I was clowning around just now about his cock, but I didn’t mean any of it. Sleeping with your boss is a very, very bad idea. You will keep your wits about you, won’t you?”

I smiled gently. “I will and thank you for caring about me.”

She didn’t smile back. “You’re sure you trust this man’s word?”

“Have you ever met a man that made you feel safe? As if no one would dare lay a finger on you because you were with him.”

She shook her head silently.

“Want to know something weird?”

She nodded slowly.

“While I was with Yuri, he made me feel safe, absolutely, and completely safe. For that moment, I was his woman and every other man knew not to even come near his possession.”

“I wasn’t worrying about other people laying a finger on you. I was worrying about him and what he could do to you,” she stated solemnly.

Chapter 6


The sun was bright and the sky clear blue, dotted with fluffy clouds when I arrived at the tall black gates of Yuri’s mansion. I stood and stared at the steel spikes topping the high brick wall. I wouldn’t be surprised at all, if there was electricity racing atop the wall. Certainly, they looked sharp enough to skewer any thief stupid enough to try climbing it.

Without me walking over to the intercom and identifying myself, the big gates swung open to admit me. Pulling my suitcase along, I strolled past the cultured garden towards the huge double doors.

There seemed to be no one around, or any visible surveillance cameras and it gave the impression the compound was without security, but I believed my every step was watched. A quick dart of my head in certain directions twice revealed the tail end of a dark suit, and a glistening pair of black shoes. There was intense security. Everywhere. They’d just been trained to ensure visitors didn't notice them.

It made me grow strangely wary of the man who’d made me catch fire yesterday. Yesterday seemed a lifetime ago. I had viewed the job like a ripe plum. It intrigued me. Would I be able to make the little girl talk again? I came here full of confidence and professionalism.


