No More Spies (Masters & Mercenaries – New Recruits #4) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Masters & Mercenaries - New Recruits Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 144571 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 723(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 482(@300wpm)

“In my defense, my mother sold the place.” Drake was in the passenger seat, staring at the house down the hill. “We couldn’t go back after what happened. We held on to it for almost ten years before she retired and decided it was time to find a new place. I’ve never even taken my children here.”

“And technically it’s not Big Tag’s fault you have a weapons forward bio mom and a brother who should be more open emotionally and informationally,” Tris quipped from behind his laptop. “Technically that’s your bio dad’s fault because of the way semen works. See, this is why Big Tag is such an advocate for condoms. Should we be looking for him? Is this all going to be some weird family reunion?”

He might punch Tristan. They were getting nowhere. “If we have a go, why aren’t we going yet? Tell me we’re not waiting for Theo and Erin.”

Devi’s parents were on their way back from their trip, but it would take them hours to get there, and those hours would likely cost Kala an enormous amount of pain. He wouldn’t allow it.

“We have to have a plan, Rambo,” Big Tag said with a long sigh. “Unfortunately, we don’t think we can move in the same way we did last time. Last time we used a set of tunnels that lead from about a half a mile away to the basement. Huisman has to know about the tunnels.”

“Well, he’s definitely got some security up and running.” Tristan’s face was ghostly behind the lights coming from his laptop. His partner, Aidan, was in the van waiting a half a mile down the road. Tasha was driving a backup van in case things went bad.

“Can we cut the electricity from here?” Lou was supposed to be in the van with Tasha, but she’d shut down the notion of being support in this case. She was going in to save her best friend and wouldn’t be talked out of it. TJ hadn’t even argued with her, merely told her she would be by his side the whole way.

“We can, but then he’ll know we’re coming,” Tris argued. “I kind of wish we had Parker with us. No one knows this asshole better, and quite frankly, he’s proven good in a fight.”

“I wish we had Ben here, too, but he might have questions about how we’re rescuing me.” Kenzie had her hair hidden under the balaclava she would soon pull down to mask her face. “Believe me. I wish I hadn’t been forced to leave him. We were really talking. And now he’s talking to Dare.”

It had been the plan to extricate Kenz without making it too obvious to Ben that something was going on. Dare had joined them and asked to speak to Ben. The good news was that Dare had definitely softened on his former friend and was actually ready to talk to him. Kenzie had set them up in a private room at Top with expensive Scotch and cigars, and according to Tash they’d stayed until about thirty minutes before.

Kenzie had told him she’d meet him for a late lunch tomorrow.

If she was still alive and not in mourning. If they lost Kala, all bets were off, and it wouldn’t matter anymore if Parker or everyone else figured out they were twins. “We should think about letting him in on the secret. I don’t know that it’s fair that Huisman knows and he doesn’t. It gives Huisman a weapon to use against Parker and us.”

“I’ll think about it,” Ian returned.

Kenzie let out a deep breath. “Good. We’ll talk about it when we get my sister and Devi back.”

“I still think we should have brought Daisy,” TJ said in a hushed tone. “I know y’all think bringing a civvie in is wrong, but she foils bad-guy plans all the time. We would just have to have her, like, walk by the house and it might fall down.”

Cooper wasn’t sure that TJ was joking. After all, the last time Devi found herself in a shitty situation, Daisy had handled it, and she hadn’t even needed a gun. Not that she would have been able to hide a weapon since she’d walked out and distracted the bad guys with her nudity.

Cooper was absolutely sure it wouldn’t work on Huisman. Nothing would except the element of surprise. “What’s going on with the cameras? Can we take them over?”

“I can patch on to them, but it’s going to be a while before I get control,” Tris said with a frustrated growl. “This software is very complex. It’s almost like he knew someone would try to take over.”

This guy was always prepared. He was always one step ahead. “Do we have any idea how many people he has with him?”

“I’m going through the feeds.” Lou had a laptop open as well. “I’ve got ten armed guards, I think. They’re all dressed alike, so I might be off by one or two. He’s got them patrolling a half a mile area around the house, and he’s got one on the tunnels.”


