No More Spies (Masters & Mercenaries – New Recruits #4) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Masters & Mercenaries - New Recruits Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 144571 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 723(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 482(@300wpm)

“With anyone,” her father clarified, every word clipped and seemingly cold.

Why was he pushing her? Her mom had hugged her and held her hand and pulled her way too close—something she might have objected to but she had just been kidnapped. Her mom had told her she didn’t have to talk if she didn’t want to. Her mom had cried a lot once her dad and the rest of the family had shown up.

Charlotte Taggart had been a rock. Right up until she didn’t have to be. When her dad walked out of that house and wrapped his arms around them both, her mom dissolved into a ball of emotion.

Kala cried a bit initially. Pure relief had caused it. Then the hours passed as they waited to be able to fly home and a nice numbness settled in. She’d talked to her sisters and brothers and felt absolutely nothing.

It was good, so good to feel nothing, and her father was threatening it.

“I was with Kyle. Kyle made sure I wasn’t alone with her,” Kala replied, feeling her jaw tense, her calm starting to shake.

“Kyle wasn’t with you when you were taken,” her father pointed out. “He wasn’t there when the fuckers killed a woman in front of you.”

“She was the one who turned me in, so who cares?” Kala asked. But she’d thought about it. Thought about the woman and wondered what made her take that job, what her hopes and dreams had been. Thought about how casually they’d taken her life. Like it was easier to kill her than it was to pay her invoice. “I would have thought they would clean up after themselves.”

“We think they didn’t have time,” her mother explained. “We didn’t connect it until Chelsea managed to find you on doorbell cams in the neighborhood. There weren’t any in the park, but we tracked you there.”

“So we know at the very least you were alone with them for a couple of hours before Kyle got to the airplane.” Her father was relentless. “What happened during that time, Kala?”

Yep. She was starting to feel things again. Starting with anger. “General Taggart, I’m not one of your soldiers, so you don’t need to debrief me.”

A brow rose over icy eyes. “Excuse me.”

It was said quietly, a sure sign her dad was on edge. Everyone well acquainted with her dad knew not to take him seriously when he shouted, but when he got quiet, they all took cover.

Kala didn’t care. “I said I’m not one of your operatives. Or hell, maybe I can be. In that case, you’ll have a report on your desk come Monday. Until then I want some space.”

“Maybe we should talk this out in a session. Eve is waiting at home,” her mom said.

Eve. Who already thought she wasn’t good enough for her son. Eve, who was smart and could see through the whole she’s-just-young thing. Eve knew about dangerous people and wanted her son to stay away from Kala Taggart.

“I’m not talking to Eve.” The words came out far harsher than she’d planned to say them. “I don’t need to. I’m fine.”

“You are not fucking fine,” her father said in that way he sometimes did. It was like the words floated out of his body. He didn’t need to move his mouth. He was preternaturally still. It was intimidating. “So I ask again.”

“Ian,” her mom said, her shoulders squaring. “This is neither the time nor the place. We’re not alone.”

“No, she’s not alone, but can’t you see she’s trying to be? Do you think I want to have this out here and now? I want five minutes when I can simply be happy I have my daughter back, but I don’t know that we do. I don’t know what that fucker planted in her skull. I don’t know what they did to her. Charlotte, she was alone for hours with five mercenaries. Kyle wasn’t there.”

“Pushing her isn’t going to help,” her mom argued.

“If I don’t, she won’t talk about it.” Her dad turned Mom’s way, his expression tightening like he didn’t dare give a moment’s softness. “If this was Kenz, I would let you handle this entirely. You understand Kenz, but I know Kala. We get to her now or she loses this piece of herself. I know what she’s thinking. She’s thinking time will change whatever happened. Distance will make it go away, and she never has to admit to anyone what she really went through. She can shove it down and it won’t be there lurking.” He turned back to Kala. “It will. It will always be there waiting to poison any relationship you have. You are stubborn, my child. But so am I. I will not leave you in this alone.”

Her every wall shook and those stupid tears threatened. If she ignored him, he might… He would only get more obnoxious. So she could turn it on him. “You did leave me alone. You chose not to train me. You chose to tell me I’m not strong enough. Guess what, I was. I did. I’m sorry you would need to cry on someone’s shoulder, but I don’t have to. I can do it alone. I don’t need you.”


