No Prince Read online Stevie J. Cole, L.P. Lovell

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115590 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 578(@200wpm)___ 462(@250wpm)___ 385(@300wpm)

I laughed and threaded my fingers through his as we maneuvered through the crowded halls. “You’re crazy. No shotgun, teenage weddings.”

“Crazy about you, maybe.” He bit his lip on a smile before stopping at my locker.

“God, you used to have so much game.”

“No. I used to be the game, Roe.”

A group of girls sidestepped us, every one of them looking at Zepp like he was the only water in a scorching desert.

“And then I met you,” he said. “And you fucked me up. So good.” He traced his finger over my cheek, completely oblivious to the girls beside us.


Zepp had fucked me up; I just didn’t like admitting it.

* * *

The hum of conversation and laughter bounced around the busy cafeteria while Jade sat beside me, poking at her food.

“You okay?” I asked quietly.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She speared a carrot and took a nibble before setting her fork back onto her plate. I had no idea what to say to her. She visibly stiffened, right before the clatter of trays hit the table. Zepp’s hand landed on my thigh as he took a seat next to me, the other guys falling into the seats around us. I was acutely aware of Wolf sitting right next to Jade. Zepp kissed my head before he stabbed a green bean.

“How big do you think your tits are gonna get, Red?” Hendrix grabbed at his chest, pretending to grope a pair of breasts.

Zepp tossed a bean at his brother’s face. “Don’t talk about her tits, dickwad. I’ll punch you in the throat.”

“I’ve been thinking about it.” Hendrix opened his chocolate milk and chugged it. “I wanna be called Unky Nook Nook.”

I finally clicked what he was talking about.

“Shut up, Hendrix.” Zepp glared across the table at him, his grip on my leg growing tighter.

I leaned into Zepp. “You told Hendrix?” Of all people. I glanced at Jade. Her face was pale, and she looked like she wanted to crawl under the table.

“No. The little shit overheard Bellamy.” So they all knew, except Wolf—shit. Correction, they all thought it was me.

“Well, Unky Nook Nook, go adopt a stray cat or something,” I said. “You aren’t getting a baby.”

Hendrix scowled. “That’s bullshit. I had plans for the kid.” He pointed a fry at Zepp. “Knock her up.”

“You’re an idiot,” Zepp mumbled.

“Look.” Hendrix crammed his face full of food, pieces of chewed potatoes dropping to the table as he spoke. “I thought it was hilarious last night. Thinking about Zepp with a kid. But then.” He shoved more fries in his mouth, his expression far too serious. “I thought about it. And I need a protege.”

Zepp facepalmed and shook his head, mumbling whiffle ball bat under his breath.

Bellamy frowned at Hendrix. “The last person who needs a protegee is you, man.”

“You go fuck yourself with that negativity.” He chucked a fry at Bellamy’s forehead. “I could teach a kid a shit ton of things. Like, how to piss in a Cheerio. Not to mention, kids are hilarious on social media.”

Wolf elbowed him. “You know they shit and scream, right? It’ll ruin your life.”

I glanced at Jade, and she looked like she was about to freak out.

“Okay! No babies, let’s change the subject.”

“No.” Hendrix pounded a fist over the table. “Did my brother’s swimmers permenate your egg or what? And don’t you bullshit me, Red. My next life decision is based on this.”

I slapped a hand over the table so over Hendrix’s dumbass comments. “It’s penetrate!”

“Penetrate with a dick!” he snorted.

Wolf and Bellamy doubled over, cackling like a pack of Hyenas. When I looked at Zepp, he was trying his best not to laugh.

“Firstly,” I said. “I’m blaming you for not sending him to school enough. Secondly,” I looked at Hendrix again. “Taking a test does not mean you’re knocked up.” I had to take one for the team here because if any of them figured out it was Jade… She at least needed time to deal with this.

Bellamy raised a hand. “Told you, Zepp.”

“Fine.” Hendrix scowled before narrowing his gaze and searching the cafeteria. “I’ll just make my own protege.”

“You are not knocking up some girl.” Zepp shook his head. “I swear to God, Hendrix. I will kill you.”

Hendrix screwed anything with a pulse. “He’s probably already got a few strays out there,” I said.

He frowned at me. “I do not go into the flood without a raincoat, Red.” His gaze strayed to Zepp. “Unlike you, evidently. Just sowing seed left and fucking right.” He pretended to toss out feed for hens.

Sowing seed? Like he was banging half the town. “No, there is no sowing anywhere but here.” I pointed at my chest.

Zepp slammed his palms on the table. “Jesus Christ, Hendrix. Shut the fuck up.”

Jade grabbed her tray and pushed to her feet. “I’ll see you in class, Monroe.”


