No Romeo – Dayton Read Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90564 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 362(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

I almost lost it. I wasn’t sure it was possible to fuck her harder, but I sure as hell tried. I buried myself so deep her breath caught.

“Shit…” Her pussy squeezed me tight before her body relaxed on a sexy-as-hell, make-my-dick-want-to-come moan.

I held that need in, focusing on the grout stain on the wall until she was shaking and clinging to me. Then I came on a groan.

I’d barely caught my breath by the time she slipped away from me. “That can’t happen again,” she said, snatching the shampoo bottle from the rusted, wire caddy.

Like hell, it wouldn’t. “Third time’s a charm, though.”

“Third time’s a habit.” She dumped shampoo into her palm. “And this is not going to be a habit.”

But wasn’t that what any addict said?

When I walked into the kitchen the next morning, Lola stood in front of the counter, her back to the doorway as she pushed up on tiptoes to rummage through the cabinets. My gaze trailed from her bare legs to the blond pigtails hanging down her back. Part of me wondered if she’d braided her hair with the sole intent to mess with me. She knew I had a thing for pigtails on her. Then again, I had a thing for anything on her.

She took the SpongeBob mug, startling when she turned around. “Shit, Hendrix.” She placed a palm over her heart. “Don’t creep up on me.”

“Creeper is as a creeper does…” I mumbled as I moved around her to grab a bowl from the cabinet while she made her coffee.

The old cat clock on the wall ticked, filling the silence.

I’d just opened the fridge and grabbed the milk when she sighed.

“What are you going to do about Ethan?”

“Well, I was going to set his car on fire, but since that’s already been handled...” I dumped Coco Puffs into the bowl, put the milk back, and took a seat at the kitchen table. “Nothing.”

She sat across from me and lifted her mug to her mouth with a subtle smirk. “How very rational of you.”

Rational? Not exactly. I just had limited options that wouldn’t end up with me back in jail.

“Why the hell would Ethan give the police my name?”

I hadn’t moved past the fact that he was a rich idiot. “What did they ask you?”

“They just wanted a statement. Apparently, you caught me banging Ethan and got ‘ragey.’” She placed her mug on the table, swiping at a trickle of coffee running down the side. “I refrained from explaining that, according to you, if he fucked me, he’d be dead.”

“My words were actually a corpse… and yes, he would be.” Honestly, he was lucky he wasn’t. And based on the fact that he had the balls to lie and say he screwed her, I wasn’t writing that off as a possibility just yet.

I spooned several large helpings of cereal into my mouth, trying to figure out what Ethan’s agenda really was. “If that piece of shit comes into your work, you’d better call me.”

“He’s not going to do anything to me in a busy restaurant.”

“I don’t want him anywhere near you.”

We stared at each other for a few seconds before she sighed. “What are we doing, Hendrix?”

Being the same possessive, crazy people we’d always been with one another.

When I didn’t answer, she pushed to her feet and took her mug to the sink. “You shouldn’t get murderous over friends.”

“I shouldn’t fuck friends in the shower….”

She flipped on the faucet. “That was a one-time thing.”

I dropped my spoon against my empty bowl with a clink. “Why are you so hellbent on this friend's thing?”

“Because I hurt you!” She whipped around, a torn expression on her face. “And whatever you think you want right now, you haven’t thought it through. You haven’t forgiven me—”

I shoved out of the chair with a screech of wood over linoleum. “You don’t know what the fuck I’ve done.” Honestly, I thought I may have forgiven her more than I’d forgiven myself. Which was messed up.

We stood on opposite sides of the kitchen in a silent draw.

“Anything outside of friends means uncorking a bottle of shit neither of us is ready to deal with,” she said.

Like that bottle hadn’t been opened the first time I finger fucked her in the restroom, or when I buried myself balls deep in her on my bed and then again in the shower… Let her move into my house.

“Hate to tell you,” I grabbed my bowl from the table and moved past her to dump it into the sink. “Shit’s already been uncorked.”

A horn blared from the driveway, and Lola’s attention snapped toward the front of the house. “I can’t give you what you want, Hendrix. I’m sorry. I really do want to be friends.” She pushed away from the counter, tears building in her eyes. “I’ve missed you,” she said before ducking into the living room.


