No Time to Lie (Masters and Mercenaries – Reloaded #4) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries - Reloaded Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 145091 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 725(@200wpm)___ 580(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

It was now.

There was a heat taking over her body and it came from her pussy. She could already feel herself getting soft and wet and ready for him. Like it knew who her real Master was.

She let the thoughts flow as he finished, let them pulse through her brain like they rode the wave of the music that surrounded them.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she was aware that they weren’t alone, but she let go of that thought, too. His fingertips brushed down her spine to the place where her corset sat under her shoulder blades. “This has to go.”

She’d known it would. She wasn’t as panicked at the thought as she should have been. She’d been naked in a club before, but not with anyone she was probably going to have sex with. Maybe.

Not with anyone she’d had sex with before.

She nodded her assent and then felt him move in behind her.

The fact that he’d bound her hands before taking off the corset fed into the fantasy.

She couldn’t see him as he started to work the ties of her corset, but she could feel as he tugged on the strings, loosening them.

“It’s like unwrapping the best present ever. You’re a pretty plaything, Taylor. Did you know that? Did you know that I’m going to play with you? I’m going to unwrap this gift and admire it, and then I’ll touch it and play with it. I’ll stroke my hands across your skin to feel how soft it is. I’ll run my nose between your legs to smell how hot you are. I’ll suck your nipples and nip them ever so slightly to see if I can make my toy squirm.”

He was already making her squirm. She remembered how it had felt to have those talented hands on her body.

She’d never been able to forget how well he’d used his mouth and tongue on her. Never. She would likely go to her grave remembering how that had felt.

The ties on her corset came loose quickly, proving how often he’d done this service for the women of his club. That was a good thing to remember, too.

In quick time he eased the corset down her hips and held it open for her to step out of.

She was left alone for a moment as he moved away from her.

She didn’t like him being away. She wanted his hands on her. When they were on her, she didn’t think. When his hands were on her, she was warm and back in that place she’d found with him once before.

In that moment, it didn’t matter that the place she’d found had been temporary and false. She wanted to be there again even if only for a night.

Then she felt something at the nape of her neck, something slightly cool but soft.

Not a flogger. That was a crop. She would bet it was a soft, leather-tipped crop that would have some flexibility so the top using it could control the pain level of the strike.

“What do you need, sub? Do you need something soft and sweet, a little snap to get your motor running?”

The crop moved like lightning, flicking over her left cheek and making her gasp.

He’d been right. It was a slight pain, barely enough to sting, but it warmed her skin, made her aware of her body in a way nothing else could.

But it wasn’t enough.

“Or do you need something more? Do you need a bite to get you going? Because, baby, I can be the big bad wolf when it comes to you.”

Before she could answer, he brought the crop down on her other cheek, and he wasn’t playing. It wasn’t a hard strike, like the ones she would want later in the session, but it got her attention. The pain exploded and then quickly turned to heat that sizzled and seemed to go straight to her core.

“More.” She managed to get the word out. “I like more, Sir.”

“Prove it.”

The words flustered her. “Prove it?”

“Prove this is what makes you hot.”

He was a bastard. He knew it made her hot, but he wanted more. He could probably smell her arousal, but he needed more.

Like she needed more.

“You can touch me. You’ll find the proof you need.”

“Touch you where, Taylor?”

She wanted to curse him, but that wouldn’t get them anywhere. “My pussy.”

“And what will I find?”

There was nothing but honesty from her now. She’d moved past pretense. All that was left was need. “You’ll find I’m wet. So fucking wet.”

“Wet for what?” He kept pushing her.

“Wet for you.”

His free hand gripped her hip, and then there was no space between them. She could feel his leather against her backside and the hard line of his erection. She fought to breathe as that hand made its way around her hips and slipped under the edge of the thong she wore.


