Old Flame (Judgement #3) Read Online Abbi Glines

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC Tags Authors: Series: Judgement Series by Abbi Glines

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81009 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

I eased my leather out of her hands. “Easy,” I told her.

“I’m sorry. I’m just so glad you’re back. That was terrifying.”

“She on your bike then?” Micah asked, lifting his chin toward Nixie.

I nodded. I had to take her to Toxic Throttle. She wasn’t in any danger, and she was scheduled for tonight, as were the other girls.

“You taking her to work?”


He turned his head toward Lick. “You saved her. You get her to the compound.”

Understanding dawned on me, and I jerked my head toward Salem. She wasn’t looking at me anymore, but then with Nixie wrapped around me like I was the pole she was supposed to dance on tonight, I wasn’t surprised. Pepper was bent down in front of her, putting the heel on her foot. She’d lost it somehow. Probably when Lick was fucking carrying her.

“You good with that?” I heard Micah ask, and I turned back to him.

Was I good with it? Salem on the back of Lick’s bike? No, I wasn’t. She’d only been on the back of one bike that I knew of, and that had been mine. I’d thought she’d be the only female on the back after that first time. There had been more than I could count now.

“Who is that?” Nixie asked, not even trying to hide the jealous snark in her tone.

I ignored her and tore my eyes off the sight of Lick coming up to Salem. Seeing him touch her was fucking with my head, and Lick wasn’t someone you wanted on your bad side. He wasn’t mentally stable on a good day.

“You think she’s safe with him?” I asked.

“He killed a fucker for her. Hauled her ass out of there without a backward glance. I know he’s a messed-up son of a bitch, but he seems to like that one.”

Micah’s response wasn’t helping. It should have. She’d be safe with Lick. But I didn’t want her safe with Lick. I wanted her safe with me.

Dangerous territory, Tex.

I glanced down at Nixie, who was curled up to my side as if she had to stake her claim. “Let’s go.”

She smiled brightly up at me, as if there had been a contest and she’d won. Little did she know, that wasn’t it at all. She was a buffer. Something to keep me from making a mistake. There was no contest because the winner had been chosen long ago. I wondered if it would always be that way.

Walking over, I climbed onto my bike, and unable to stop myself, I took a glance in the direction I needed to ignore. Lick held Salem’s hand and steadied her as she climbed onto the back of his bike. Emotion surged in my chest with so much force that it fucking hurt.

She’d always looked adorable in a helmet. Seemed some things never changed. He was talking to her, probably giving her directions. I’d taught her how to hold on and lean with me. She knew it. I was sure she remembered. Her head nodded, and then she wrapped her arms around him. The smile that spread across that sadistic fucker’s face made my entire body tense.

Nixie pressed against my back, and her hands slid down toward my cock. I reached down and jerked her hand away from it. She knew that shit wasn’t allowed when I was driving.

“I can suck it before I get onstage tonight. You’re staying to watch me, aren’t you?” Her mouth was close to my ear, her voice breathy. She was trying too hard.

I cranked the bike and let the engine roar to life instead of answering. My focus was still solely on Salem. She was on the wrong fucking bike, and that was eating me alive. Her head turned then, and our eyes locked. But this time, it was her who looked away first.



Present Day

Tobacco and lime? I couldn’t figure out what it was that Lick smelled like. Concentrating on that was better than thinking about all the other stuff. Starting with the man who had held me against my will and ending with watching Rome—with that half-naked young female on the back of his bike, wrapping her arms and legs around him—pull off, following Micah and his wife. We weren’t engulfed in the herd of bikes far enough to block the sight of them from my view, so I kept my eyes to the left, watching the city pass by and thinking about Lick’s scent. It was unique.

I hadn’t wanted to get on the back of his bike. When I’d seen Rome, I had thought he’d come see if I was okay. My wishful thinking that he’d have me ride with him was ridiculous. He had the stripper-worthy woman with him, and what man wouldn’t want that straddling him and pressing up against his body? I hadn’t stood a chance at that invite. Still, I had hoped. Unable to stop myself.


