Old Flame (Judgement #3) Read Online Abbi Glines

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC Tags Authors: Series: Judgement Series by Abbi Glines

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81009 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)



A hint of tobacco, mint and spice drew me closer. I inhaled deeply, burrowing into the warmth of the scent. It was like a clean, brisk forest with the sun wrapping around me.

Why was I in a forest?

I tried to focus and think about where I was. The thick, hard arms that surrounded me tightened, and a deep groan had my eyes snapping open. I blinked. Then blinked again. The tattooed chest was still there. The smell wasn’t a forest, but a body.

“Don’t go getting tense now,” a deep, familiar voice said with the husk of sleepiness. “I’ve had you clinging to me all fucking night like a damn kitten.”

I closed my eyes again and bit back my own groan.

What had I done? Well, after one too many margaritas. I should have stopped when I felt the first buzz. God, I was a lightweight.

“I’m sorry,” I croaked, humiliated as bits and pieces started coming back to me.

He grunted. “What about? Wearing that bikini? Taking it off and putting on nothing but my shirt, then passing out in my bed?”

My eyes flew back open at that comment, and I realized I was indeed without panties. “Oh God.”

I started to move, and his arms locked, making it impossible.

“If you’re sorry, then stop wiggling,” he muttered.

The sound of Rome’s husky voice was unfortunately sending jolts of things to parts of my body that did not need to react. Especially in my state of dress and location. I was in his room.

I remembered he’d carried me up the stairs. But why had we come to his room?

I bit down hard on my lip at the fact that he’d seen me in that stupid bikini. Enough tequila, and my self-confidence was booming.

He had seen all the parts that weren’t what they once had been. I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.

How was I going to hold my head high, knowing he’d seen my bare butt?

“You’re sweeter when you’re sleeping,” he mumbled, then yawned. “Relax, Salem. It’s too early to be that tense.”

I sucked in a breath as he buried his nose in my hair.

“Mmm, you still smell like coconut and fucking honey.”

What did one do after waking up from passing out drunk in their first love’s bed almost two decades later? Was there etiquette to this? Did I act like it was no big deal, like he was doing? And, God, WHY did my nipples have to be hard and tingly?

Okay, I had to remain calm. Play this off. Then get out of here and go freak out before pulling myself together in the shower. I could do this.

I opened my mouth to say something like, Are you sure you don’t mean chlorine water and cigarettes? since Nina had been smoking last night in the hot tub.

But no words came because Rome’s hand slid down my back. I stopped breathing when it reached the curve right before my bottom—and then he kept going. His large palm cupped my left butt cheek and squeezed. A rumble that sounded like a pleased sound vibrated in his chest, and I sucked in air.

“Fuck, that’s a spectacular ass.” His tone wasn’t sarcastic or teasing. “Let me feel it.”

Was I asleep? Was this one of those dreams?

“Silence is going to be taken as a yes,” he told me as he tugged up the hem of the shirt I was wearing.

This time, I did an audible gasp as the callous tips of his fingers brushed over my skin. I began to tremble, but I couldn’t help it. I would stop it if I could.

“Fuck,” he swore in a gravelly tone, then squeezed my bottom and jerked me closer.

A whimper passed my lips, and my nails bit into the rock-solid chest that my hand had been pressed against.

His hand moved further down, until his fingertips slipped between my legs. I jerked from the contact and the mini explosion of pleasure that it had sent off throughout my body.

“Ah, fuck, you’re wet,” he growled, then grabbed my leg and tugged it up to rest my knee on his hip. “You gotta let me play now, Angel Face.”

Play? This wasn’t playing. It was…it was a path to my destruction. Again.

“I, uh…” My words went from telling him that this needed to stop to pleasure that I’d forgotten existed, igniting between my legs as he ran a finger through my sensitive area.

“Look at me,” he said gruffly.

I tilted my head back to stare up at him. The pale green color, which was the very first thing I’d noticed about him, still drew me in. His eyes were heavy-lidded from just waking up, and I was sure that there had never been a man who was more tempting than Rome when he looked like this.

“That’s better,” he praised me. Then his finger went from caressing to gently pumping, but not exactly penetrating my entrance. It was more of a tease. “I want to see your face. Know it’s you creaming on my hand.”


