Old Flame (Judgement #3) Read Online Abbi Glines

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC Tags Authors: Series: Judgement Series by Abbi Glines

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81009 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

I shook my head. “I don’t. I didn’t mean to. I don’t know what it is.” I stumbled over my words.

This was what happened when you were deprived of sexual pleasure for two decades. Your body freaked out and did weird stuff.

Relief or satisfaction—I wasn’t sure which, one or maybe both—lit his eyes as he smiled. “You’ve never done that before?”

I shook my head, still not sure what that was. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

A pleased chuckle fell from his lips, and he dropped his head to kiss my neck. “You don’t feel how wet the sheets are?” He pulled my earlobe between his teeth.

Hesitantly, I nodded. I’d hoped I was imagining it.

“That’s from you squirting,” he said. “On my fucking cock.”

He seemed extremely pleased about this, but it sounded like I had bladder problems I wasn’t aware of. Why would he like that?

The tip of his nose ran along my ear, and then he pressed a kiss beneath it before nuzzling the crook of my neck and inhaling. “It was the metal in my cock, wasn’t it? You’re so damn tight that my piercing was hitting your G-spot hard. Mmm, fuck, that was hot.”

His piercing. I’d forgotten about that.

“What…what is squirting exactly?” I asked, feeling like an idiot since he seemed to think I should know.

He let out another amused chuckle as he slowly lifted his head to look down at me. “Female ejaculation.”



Oh my God!

He pinched my chin, then pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “It was the hottest fuck I’ve ever had.”


My chest warmed, and my lips stretched across my face.



The women went completely silent the moment I stepped into the kitchen.

Nina’s expression gave away exactly what they’d been talking about.

Salem had bolted from my room as soon as she had a chance. I could have stopped her, but I kind of needed a moment to straighten shit out in my head too. Fucking her had very likely been a mistake. One I would do again…and again. But still a mistake.

Not because I didn’t want to or because I didn’t want her.

Last night, while she’d drunkenly snuggled against my chest, she’d said it felt good to be home and mumbled a final, “I love you,” before passing out.

She didn’t remember it, and I’d lied to her about finding her passed out when I finished in the bathroom. I didn’t think she was ready to face the truths she hadn’t minded sharing while wasted. But those words had taken the lock I’d so firmly clicked into place eighteen years ago and destroyed it, opening up the door that held what I felt for her wide fucking open.

And that was why I shouldn’t have fucked her. Not yet. Not while Liam was trying to find out for Blaise Hughes if she knew who she had been married to. Because that could come back to bite me in the ass.

Having sex with her hadn’t happened because Liam had told me to. He was the last thing on my mind when I gave in and took what I wanted. I’d wanted it since the moment she’d stepped out of the restroom at Pepper’s bar and blinked at me, wide-eyed, in surprise, then said my tongue was pierced. I’d seen the girl she used to be. It was as if nothing had changed. Eighteen years had been erased, and she was mine. My response then was to remind myself that those years had happened and she wasn’t mine. I’d believed she belonged to someone else at the time.

She was mine now though. I’d just claimed what had always been mine.

If it came down to it and she was guilty by association, then I’d take her and run. Leave behind the family I had here. There was nothing more important to me than family. The Judgment had become that, but they hadn’t come first. They’d come after, and nothing had ever been stronger than what had come before.


She glanced back over her shoulder at me, and her cheeks colored a pretty pink at having been caught talking about me. Us.

Had she told them we’d fucked? The thought made me grin.

“A little late for breakfast,” Goldie chirped.

“I had a reason to stay in bed,” I replied.

Salem’s expression was a bashful, surprised one. She’d taken a shower, and her hair still looked slightly damp. But there was no makeup on her face. She didn’t need it. Fresh, like she was now, was perfect on her.

“Did you now?” Nina said. “Do tell.”

I walked over to Salem, and those almond-shaped eyes of hers only got bigger as I approached.

“Sounded like you’d already gotten the details Salem was okay with you having,” I said, looking at her, not Nina. “Don’t be greedy.”

“I didn’t,” Salem blurted out, shaking her head. “I mean, I wasn’t saying—” She stopped again, her face a bright red at this point.


