One Reckless Summer – Palate Teasers Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33324 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 167(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

“Yes, and there’s more where that came from, baby. I hope you’re ready. Because big brother is never going to get enough of this pussy. Never.”

Chapter Nine


“Hey, anyone in there?” A voice cuts through the comforting thump of Price’s heartbeat as I sit bolt upright. “Hey, Price!”

The warm orange and yellow sunrise peeks up over the trees out the window of the small bedroom, and there’s the pluvial scent of the morning after the rain all around.

There’s silence for a moment, as I stare into Price’s narrowing green eyes. He eases his hand from behind my neck, slides out of the bed, stuffing his feet into his pants on a grumble.

I’m not sure how much we slept. Not a lot, and it’s early. The night was incredible. Not just the sex but how rough and demanding and greedy he was one second, then so tender and attentive and concerned the next.

Losing your v-card to an overachieving boner like Price’s has left me achy and sore, but the magic that man can do with his mouth?

I’d forget I had third degree burns with his face between my legs.

Which happened a lot. A. Lot.

Not the burns. The face. Between the legs.

“Get dressed.” He leans over, planting a kiss on the top of my head, cupping my cheek in his rough palm. “Do as I say.”

“Wait, but—” My words are lost as he stuffs his still half-hard cock behind his zipper, then heads through the door, swinging it half closed behind him after whisking his shirt off the floor in one long-armed swipe.

There’s an impatient knock and the voice calling out again as I reluctantly push onto my knees, reaching out to touch the warm spot where I was tucked against the hardest, biggest chest in the world just a moment ago. His warmth is still on the sheets as I crawl to the edge of the bed and throw my legs over with a soft hiss, the pinpricks of pain in my newly deflowered lady bits reminding me to move gingerly.

Even in his bare feet, Price’s footsteps make vibrating thuds through the floor, then the hinges of the front door let out a pained squeak.

I pull the rumpled blanket from the bed and tuck it around me. When Price went to the living room to get me some water after I nearly passed out from the rolling orgasms he insisted on giving me with his mouth after destroying my cherry, he hung my clothes near the wood stove on a chair to dry.

The same gruff male voice comes clearer now through the open door. “Price, hey, you okay?”

“Yeah. Good.” Price grunts in his best monosyllabic caveman impression.

“Yeah, I see you’re as talkative as ever. Ted called me. Said he didn’t want to leave Hailey but needed someone to come up and check on you. Said you set off yesterday and didn’t get back. No cell service up here, so people were worried. So, here I am.”

“There was a bear,” Price says as I tiptoe and inch along the wall of the bedroom, peeking around the doorframe to see the visitor dressed in an olive-green uniform and wearing a matching hat with a brass badge front and center. Price shoots a quick look over his shoulder as he slips his arms into his shirt, then says, “I… we….never mind. The bear had cubs with her. Came up to the door too.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen her around on the trail cams and on our tracking. We tagged her a few years back. Named her Electra. She’s not the friendliest as black bears go. She’s got the personality of a grizzly. Good idea to stay put,” the ranger says, his eyes catching me when I ease the door open a couple inches, smiling on a knowing nod toward Price, then lowering his voice, leaning in conspiratorially. “Ah, sorry man. Didn’t pick up you were here with your girl.”

Price’s response comes faster than I expected, with a shake of his head. “No, just one of the camp counselors. Came up with me yesterday to check things out.”

His denial sounds final. Decision made, and a darkness clouds around my heart.

“Fair enough. Your Jeep’s okay, few branches down on the road from the storm though.” Price nods in response. “I’ll follow you back down. I’ve got a full can of bear spray just in case.” He taps the spray can clipped to his belt. “Saw your pack out there. Bears had their way with it. Your rifle too. Looks like mama bear sat on it.” He nods toward the contents of our packs strewn under the trees in front of the cabin. Then he leans to the right on a sly smile. “I’ll wait over there. When you’re ready, just holler.”

“I didn’t want that ranger knowing our business,” Price explains as we head down the last section of the road, the Jeep hitting a pothole with a hard lurch. “People talk too much.”


