Only for the Weekend Read Online Riley Hart

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 85682 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 343(@250wpm)___ 286(@300wpm)

It was better for me to be alone.

But I couldn’t.

The second I stepped foot on the property again, I saw Sam, his back to me, hands flat against the outdoor shower wall, head under the spray. Saw every arch of his body that I’d explored with my hands and mouth, thought of the way he felt against me, the hardness of his muscles and the warmth of his skin. The way it felt like my insides lit up when he smiled at me, and all those damn jokes that I wanted to keep laughing at for as long as I could.

I didn’t know how to walk away from him.

I didn’t know how to live without him. Not anymore. Surviving was one thing. I’d been doing that my whole life, but not living. Not until him.

I stripped out of my clothes as I went. He immediately relaxed against me when I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

“I missed ya,” he said, and it was one of the sweetest things I’d ever heard. He missed me while I was only gone for a few hours in the woods.

“I missed you too.”

“The weekends are ours. We already lost part of this one. I don’t wanna lose any more.”

“God help me, but I don’t want to lose a second of time with you either.”

Sam turned his head toward me, and I took his mouth, tightened my hold on him, cock running up and down his crease, hands traveling the expanse of his chest.

Nothing had ever felt as right as he did, like I’d been missing a piece of myself my whole life and hadn’t known it. Like I’d spent forty years not breathing, and now I knew what it was like to have air in my lungs for the first time.

“Want you,” he said against my mouth.


“I’ll be good without it. Just need to feel you.”

It was there in his voice, the pain and worry, the truth that he thought this was the end for us, and maybe it was, and maybe it should be, but Christ, I didn’t know if I could handle that. I didn’t know if I could be the one to walk away.

My body was throbbing with the same need he spoke of, this part of me that wanted to claim him and keep him, that wanted to beg Sam to claim and keep me.

I wrapped one hand around his cock; the other I slid in his crease. Sam spread his legs for me so I could reach his hole, my cock hard and needy to find a home inside him.

“Let me inside.” I tapped his rim, stroked his prick, then pushed the tip of my finger past the tight ring of muscle. “There we go,” I whispered softly, sliding in farther. I kissed his neck, savored the feel of him, working one finger and then two inside him. I knew his body by now, knew what he liked and how. I’d studied him, became an expert in Sam’s pleasure without knowing what I was doing, just that nothing was as important as making him feel good. This man who gave himself to others, who was the person Molly needed him to be and put his mom before himself. Who gave himself to me, took care of me when I needed him, just one more burden to carry, one more ton of weight on his shoulders.

I didn’t want to weigh Sam down. I wanted to help him fly.

How did I do that? Staying here and suffering the town’s hatred? Because it would come. Leaving to give him peace? Beg him to go with me?

“Fuck, you feel good,” he said breathlessly.

“You too. So tight and hot, like your body was made for mine.”

He trembled against me. “Need you. Gimme your cock, Em. Want it so fucking bad. Feel like I might die without it.”

I cursed, felt like my knees would go weak beneath me.

Sam let out a strained breath when I eased my fingers out, as if he couldn’t handle the emptiness.

I held the base of my cock, rubbed the head against his hungry little hole, and pushed forward. “There we go. That’s what you want, isn’t it? That’s what you need? My cock inside you, taking you, needing you.” I pressed my forehead against his shoulder, being careful not to go too fast or too hard, just slowly sneaking my way in. “Being inside you…feeling you inside me, I feel like everything is right for the first time, like the world isn’t quite as bad as I thought it was because how could it be when I have someone like you?”


His tight heat swallowed my dick down farther and farther, until my groin met his ass and the two of us just stood there and breathed.

“Don’t ask me to let you go,” Sam said. “I can’t do it. Don’t care about none of the consequences. Don’t ask me to let you go.”


