Our Final Tale Read Online Bella Jewel (Iron Fury MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Iron Fury MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

“You got one fuckin’ memory back and this is already happening, what are you going to do when you get more? You can’t keep running from this!”

“More? There’s more? Because that was enough. You broke up with me, you tore my heart in half, and then I got fucking sold!” I scream. “To a monster!”

He looks like I’ve slapped him, and for a moment, I forget we’re fighting. I take a step forward, horrified by the pained expression on his face, but his eyes flash, telling me not to move another step. If I do, anyone watching will know this isn’t real. I swallow, and stay where I am.

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” he growls, low.

“I want you be honest, but you’re not going to do that. I shouldn’t even be here. I’m safer with Erin. I’m going back there. I can’t stand to be around someone who can’t even tell the damned truth.”

I turn and start walking towards the street.

“You will not leave, Ellie. Stop. It’s dangerous out there and you know it. Did your little tantrum the other day not teach you that?”

I turn around, glaring at him. “Tantrum? You slept with me, and then had another woman over,” I yell.

“I told you she was a fuckin’ friend!”

“Screw you. I’m leaving.”

I turn and start running. He bellows after me, and even starts to chase me, but I’m quicker, at least, he’s letting it look like I’m quicker. I run down the street, following the same path I followed last time, only this time I stop at the park, where Malakai told me to stay. He said it’s easier for him to get hold of me, If I’m not somewhere that I can easily make a scene. But, he said I still need to try and make a scene, otherwise he simply will not believe it’s real.

I stop at a tree, panting and out of breath, my face red. I lean my back against it, and slide down, dropping my head into my hands.

And then I wait.

For a while, I don’t think he’s coming. After all, he was quick before, right on my trail. This time, it takes around about twenty minutes. But eventually, I feel the presence of someone else, and jerk my head up. The moment I see him, I start scurrying backwards on my hands, bottom still on the ground. My eyes are wide, and part of the fear I feel, is genuine. If this goes wrong...he owns me again.

“If you run, Raven, I’ll shoot you,” he growls, pulling his jacket aside to show me the gun he’s holding behind it. Pointed right at me.

I still let my eyes dart around, like I’m contemplating running.

“I’ll do it. You know I’ll do it. Now stand up.”

“No,” I whisper. “No. How did you get to me? No.”

He shakes his head, grinning. “Stand.”

“No, please, just let me go.”


“Please, just leave me alone,” I screech.

I stand, and then pivot, acting like I’m about to run. His hand lashes out, catching hold of me, and he hauls me against his body. He presses the gun to my ribs, causing me to freeze. I know Slater will be watching right now, and I know he’ll be angry. So damned angry. He’ll want to come in here, and inflict all kinds of pain, but he can’t, and that will kill him.

I scream, but he raises the gun and smashes it against the back of my head.

My mouth opens in a silent scream, and my knees give way.

Then there is something over my mouth, which has an awful taste, and my entire world goes black.

And once again, I become the slave to a monster.

Only this time, I’m praying, just praying, I get away.




I come to and I’m in a cabin, of all places.

I expected a warehouse. The back of a van. Anything. But not a cabin. I blink a few times, and glance around, studying as much as I can before he notices I’m awake. I’m cuffed, and my ankles are bound together. I’m on my back on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. I turn my head to the side, and take in my surroundings. It’s a nice cabin, big and roomy, with lush furniture.

I can’t see much in this position.

I look to the other side, and jerk when I meet the eyes of my captor.

He’s staring down at me, leaning over the couch. “You’re awake.”

He says that almost casually, like we’re two lovers who have spent a romantic evening away.

“Where am I?” I say, letting my voice sound frantic.

It isn’t hard. I spent years with this man.

I know how I acted.

I know what works, and what doesn’t.

“In a safe place until we can return home. I’ve been waiting for you, Raven, and my patience was wearing thin. And then, you so stupidly ran out on your little boyfriend. Have you learned nothing?”


