Out of the Ashes Read Online Anne Malcom (Sons of Templar MC #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Sons of Templar MC Series by Anne Malcom

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 126215 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 631(@200wpm)___ 505(@250wpm)___ 421(@300wpm)

The clearing of a masculine voice had him instantly release me, yanking my dress down, half covering me with his body.

Lucky stood there grinning like a crazy person. “The band sent me—thought there was something wrong with the wiring, considering it was taking two people to sort,” he informed us lightly. “Should I go and tell them it’ll be another,” he glanced at Zane, “ten minutes?”

Zane growled slightly at the innuendo and I half giggled. “No,” I said quickly, putting my hand on Zane’s shoulder. “We’re coming now. It’s sorted.”

Lucky raised a brow. “Really? That quickly?”

Zane’s face darkened and he took a step forward. Lucky’s grin didn’t even flicker, the weirdo. I quickly clutched Zane’s hand, pulling slightly. “Let’s go, can’t miss the first set,” I said quickly, directing him past Lucky. Lucky actually winked at me as I dragged Zane past him. I couldn’t help but laugh. Zane wasn’t feeling the jollies.

“This is Lexie’s first time playing at a club gathering. How about we don’t have her witness you shooting one of your brothers?” I teased lightly as we walked back through to the party. “How about you actually pretend to be happy instead?” My tone was still light but there was a truth to the words. Half the time Lexie and I were at anything to do with the club, Zane’s mouth was set in a grim line and he snapped at most people, his eyes on us the entire time.

He stopped at the entrance to the clubhouse, the crowd of people visible from our spot. His hands moved to cup my face, his eyes searching mine. “I am happy,” he clipped, his expression and tone confusing his words. His eyes flickered to the gathering, the soft strums of a guitar carrying as Lexie stepped up to the microphone on the little stage they had erected. He looked back to me. “That’s the fuckin’ problem,” he muttered to my eyes. He then pressed a firm kiss to my head, released me and strode off, leaving me standing there, confused as ever.

He made his way through the crowd, moving to sit on a table far at the end of the stage. My gaze flickered to Cade, whose grey eyes were watching me. Even from the distance I was at I could feel the intensity. He gave me what I could only call a concerned look. I plastered a fake smile on my face and beamed at him before walking to the party to enjoy the rest of the day. Little did I know in a few minutes the whole thing would turn into a nightmare.

Lexie and the band were awesome. They played a great mix of songs that were totally appropriate for a biker group while still not comprising “their sound”—Sam’s words not mine. Killian sat at one of the picnic tables closest to the group, his eyes fixated on Lexie in that intense way that niggled in the back of my mind. Her eyes routinely found his when she was singing, a warm smile directed at him. The songs they were playing were decidedly upbeat and a few people had even gotten up to dance. Surprisingly, some of the scruffier looking bikers were among them, easy smiles on their faces. This may have had something to do with the beers in their hands. Amy had dragged a reluctant Brock up, and even though he shook his head the entire time, his face was decorated with a grin and he held his wife tight. Gwen had attempted the same thing, but Cade’s face had turned firm and he instead yanked her back into his lap and was currently whispering in her ear. She had a lazy smile on her face that made me think she wasn’t that pissed that she wasn’t tearing up the dance floor.

When Lexie started strumming “You and I” by Ingrid Michaelson I had to get up, considering it was the most cheerful song on earth and suited the day perfectly. I had been at first confused they played such a song at all, but by the way Lexie winked at Gwen at the start, I knew it was a request. I was happy for it too; that song rocked. I dragged Gage up with me, the friendly and hot biker that I had chatted to a couple of times and was fond of. He was more than happy to comply, swinging me around with no worries about his man card being comprised at dancing to such a song. The air was light with laughter and I couldn’t feel more at ease. Gage pulled me to his waist.

“Think you might have to go to your man now, babe. Don’t really need my arms to be yanked off,” he murmured in my ear, nodding his head to Zane who was glaring daggers at us.

I laughed easily. “Well, I better go and save your limbs,” I told him. “Thanks for the dance,” I called over my shoulder.

He winked. “Anytime.”

And then everything exploded. There was a huge bang and everyone stopped suddenly, even the band jumped, the music dying out. The man right in front of me jerked, a red spray erupting from his body. I was momentarily confused and there were a couple of screams as gunshots rang out. My eyes locked on Zane, who was at the other end of the party. Something was in his eyes at that moment, something I had never seen. Fear. I watched his mouth move as if he was shouting at me, but my ears seemed to be ringing. He started to sprint toward me while I was rooted to the spot. Sound came back in a rush as I watched him run through the hail of gunfire in horror.

“GET DOWN!” Someone yelled amidst the chaos.

I felt something whiz past my face and people started falling to the ground everywhere. Once I figured what was going on, I whirled around, one thought on my mind. “Lexie!” I screamed, sprinting towards the stage.


