Over and Above (Mount Hope #4) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Mount Hope Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80555 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

There wasn’t much practical about this situation, but I stayed quiet. And so did Eric, which left Diesel to plead his case.

“I’m making decent money, but peak summer tourism season is no time to look for an apartment. Everyone’s doing short-term vacation rentals for maximum profits.” Diesel gestured with both hands, almost bopping Maren in the face. To her credit, she didn’t even blink, merely snagged his hand in hers again. “I’ve called around, and Maren’s done the internet search thing, and a lot of people don’t even want to think about renting to anyone under twenty-one.”

“And I’ve been too sick with this stupid nausea and fatigue to look for work, which makes people even less likely to want to rent to us.” Maren looked down at her and Diesel’s linked hands.

Since Eric seemed too shell-shocked to reply, I spoke up. “I’d offer for Maren to stay with Diesel and me, but I’ll add- there’s only one bathroom. It’s a tiny house with a decent yard for the dogs.”

“Thank you.” Maren’s pursed lips said exactly what she thought of that offer. “The basement here has its own bathroom, a kitchenette, and enough space for both of us and some baby gear until we can get our own place. And we’ll pay whatever Jonas was paying.”

“Absolutely.” Diesel nodded so hard I was afraid for his spinal column. “You can make it all official with a lease.”

“And it would be nice to have you around, Dad.” Maren went in for the kill, complete with soft eyes and a tilted chin. “You know, to bug me into hydrating and eating protein. You’ll be able to see the baby too.”

Eric swallowed hard, undoubtedly at the reminder that there would be a baby at the end of all this. Heck, I had to gulp myself.

“That’s a good point. You—you both—are going to need all the help you can get.” Eric grimaced, clearly having to work for each measured word. “Yes, you can have the basement.”

“Thank you, Dad.” Maren clapped her hands before resuming devouring her plate of food.

“Thanks,” I said in a low voice to Eric. “I appreciate it too.”

“There’s one teeny little other thing.” Maren looked up from her nearly empty plate. “Health insurance.”

“The reality of healthcare in America.” Groaning, Eric set aside his own plate and leaned back in his chair. “I need to call ours. If you’re for sure not going back to school, I’m not sure how long they’ll cover you, but we should have options⁠—”

“I’m going to be on Diesel’s insurance.” Maren was back to clinging to Diesel’s hand. “He’s full-time now with a good benefits package. Even if my current insurance will keep covering me, the baby will need insurance too.”

“Decent point. Like a domestic partnership clause?” I was somewhat familiar with that, thanks to a few of our full-time servers. “That’s why you need to live together?”

“We’re getting married.”

The room went deathly quiet. To the point that I had to glance over and make sure Eric wasn’t stroking out.

I took a breath and released it while counting to ten, a practice that had served me very well all these years raising Diesel.

“While Eric collects the pieces of his brain, I have to go on record that marrying for insurance reasons isn’t ideal.”

“Gee. Thanks, Dad.” Diesel glared at me.

“I speak from experience.” I met his angry stare, holding his gaze. He knew all the ins and outs of my relationship with his mother, along with various others I’d had over the years. “It’s a huge decision.”

“Like having a baby. Our lives are linked from now on, regardless.” Maren’s expression turned decidedly queasy again.

“And…um…we might love each other.” Diesel didn’t sound particularly certain and kept glancing at Maren like she was about to object.

However, in a shocker, she squeezed his hand.

“Yes. I love Diesel, and we’ll get married for real next year after the baby is here so everyone can come.”

“Waiting for the baby is a good idea.” I tried to keep the calm tone this conversation desperately needed.

“Back up.” Eric sounded the opposite of calm, voice wavering. “For real. As opposed to?”

“A quiet elopement at the courthouse.” Maren’s voice had the same clipped, efficient tones I’d heard Eric use when stressed. “The real wedding will be next year likely.”

“Maren Jane, please tell me you haven’t already done this.”

Chapter Six


In retrospect, I shouldn’t have been so caught off guard by Maren and Diesel wanting to live together. With the immediacy of Maren’s ongoing morning sickness, it was only too easy to forget a baby was coming, a baby who would need a lot of care. Logistics were usually my strong suit as well.

But hearing Maren trying to use logistics to justify moving in with Diesel and potentially marrying him had my chest tight with the worst case of heartburn in my life. Magnus’s food offering had been much appreciated, but now it sat like a bonfire behind my sternum.


