Over My Dead Body (Denver Royalty #2) Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Denver Royalty Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 97339 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

Sean ends the call, and I’m left waiting for only a few minutes before the Uber arrives. The moment I drop into the car, I tell him to step on it, far too excited to take my time.

From what I’ve heard, pushing out a baby can take a really long time. Not the pushing part, but the bit before . . . shit. What the hell would I know about any of this? The only knowledge I have on this shit is what I was taught during those awkward high school sex-ed classes. But, Sean said I have a few hours, and that’s all I need to know. Hell, I could have a shower, get the woman’s stench off me, and maybe even spare some time for a nap. Fuck, that makes me sound old.

By the time I get home, the excitement has sobered me up—not that I was wasted before, but the few drinks from the dive bar were definitely felt. After hurrying up the stairs, I jump straight in the shower before getting dressed and heading back down to my living room. I check the time, more than ready to go, and realize that it’s only been ten minutes.


It’s gonna be a long wait.

Dropping onto the couch, I turn on ESPN and grin as a repeat of Logan’s last game appears on the screen. It was a home game, and I made a point of being there to support him, yet I can’t find it within me to turn it off. There’s no doubt about it, Logan is the fucking best player in the NHL. Sorry, Jax, but it’s true!

The minutes tick by, and the longer I wait, the worse my patience becomes. Shit. I’m not going to be able to wait for Sean’s call. Hell, with everything going on right now, there’s no guarantee that he’ll remember to call. It wouldn’t be the first time Sean’s forgotten the basics, but who could blame him?

I’ve barely been home an hour when my patience wears thin, and I grab my phone, keys, and wallet off the coffee table before storming right back through my door. Within seconds, I’m firing up my truck and pulling out of my long-ass drive, more than ready to meet my new little niece or nephew.

Chapter 11


After parking my truck at the hospital, I hurry straight to the reception desk and try to figure out where the hell the maternity ward is. I’ve been to this hospital more times than I can count. Hell, between me and my brothers growing up, we should be on some kind of frequent flyer reward program. I know all the ins and outs this hospital has to offer, but the maternity ward . . . that’s somewhere I’ve never wanted to be before.

The nurse at reception gives me instructions, and I follow them religiously until the elevator doors open on the maternity ward. The first thing I see is my family sprawled through the waiting room, slumped over their chairs as they wait for news. A wide grin stretches across my face, and I step out of the elevator, more than happy to see them all.

Jax is the first to look up and notice me smirking at them. “You couldn’t wait either?” he questions, a knowing sparkle in his eyes as the others look up.

“Tried . . . failed,” I tell them as I take a seat beside Cassie, who shuffles around in her chair, lays down, and uses Jax’s lap as a pillow and mine as a footrest. Usually I’d push her off, but today is special. If she wants to use me as her personal pillow, then that’s fine. And to be honest, after my casual stalking of her best friend on her date, it would pay to give Cassie anything she wanted right now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so mad.

The minutes tick by painfully slow, and I do what any other brother would do to pass the time—I very carefully and discreetly tie Cassie’s shoelaces together because why the fuck not? A stupid grin settles over my face, and I glance up to find Logan watching me with a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. I hold my breath waiting for him to bitch me out, but the fucker doesn’t say a damn word, just shakes his head, pretending as though he’s above the idiocy. Just putting it out there—he’s not.

Cass eventually falls asleep, lightly snoring on Jax’s lap as he runs his fingers through her hair, while Logan has his arm thrown over Elle’s shoulder, holding her close to his side, each of them looking as though they just came straight from a game. To say they look exhausted is an understatement. It’s getting very close to the end of the NHL season, and Logan has been working his ass off, which is only expected as he’s the captain of the damn team.


