Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“Stop it, Will. She can babysit for us. I’m not turning down any help we can get.”

“Are you two trying for a baby?”

“They’ve fucked in all our businesses and probably each of our houses. I don’t think they were ever not trying,” Deacon says.

“Both my homes and my gym,” Luke snorts.

“Gross, you two aren’t invited back to my place,” Tak says.

“Doesn’t matter. We christened your pool and that room next to the studio,” Ven sings.

“I knew I smelled Bengay that one time,” Tak muses.

“In nine months, I got something for you to smell. The kid’s first diaper is going to find its way into your place somewhere that’s going to drive you crazy until you find it,” Pit says.

Scarlett frowns, then her face lights up. She turns slowly to look toward her brother. I can’t help the smile that comes to my face as the realization hits her eyes.

“Nooo, you’re pregnant? Aww, I wanted this so much for you two.” She bounces in place.

She’s full of so much energy. I can’t help being excited all over again with her. In the back of my mind, my thoughts go to Ant. I wonder how he feels about having his siblings in his life.

“Anthony,” Scarlett sings.

I guess I’m about to find out. She rushes over and jumps into her brother’s arms. Ant gives her a good squeeze. Scarlett looks up at him lovingly.

“I’m so happy for you guys. I wish I could find love and have a family. I want a huge wedding though.”

“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” he grumbles.

“What are you talking about? AJ is adorable. You love that kid and she’s so pretty.”

Ant snorts. “Pretty trifling. Pretty good at lying. Pretty—”

“Ox,” Pit growls out.

Ant sighs and rolls his eyes. “Rome, I need to head back to Vander to go pack a few things and pick up my truck. Can you give me a ride?” he says to the quiet guy I haven’t heard say much since he arrived.

“Yeah, no problem.”

“Daddy,” AJ squeals as he comes running around the corner with Leo jogging behind him.

Ant turns and scoops him right up. He kisses AJ’s little cheek and then the top of his head. Looking over our son’s head at me, he says. “He’s coming with me.”

I shrug. “Okay. Let me get his backpack ready.”

“Anthony, why are you being so cold to her?” I overhear Scarlett say as I leave.

“We used up our quota of words for each other. I have nothing to say to her.”

“Ditto,” I call over my shoulder and shoot him the finger.

I’m not about to bend over backward for him. I did what I did. Was it the right thing to do? I truly don’t know. Was my heart in the right place? When it comes to Ant, always.

Chapter 32

Assholes to the Rescue


“What are we going to do?” Skittles says as she looks toward the door Ox just left out of.

I groan. I should have known she wasn’t going to let this go. I picked up a long time ago that Ox has become one of her assholes. If he has a problem, she has a problem. Throw in the fact that Lex is her cousin, and there’s no way I’m getting out of this.

“I came to drink and have a good time. I don’t know how I got pulled into all this drama,” Luke says.

“Remember that the next time you need our help,” Deacon mutters.

“Well, as long as the Twinkies keep coming, I’m game,” Tak interjects.

“He’s angry. They need to communicate,” Leo says.

“But there’s not a chance in hell he’s going to talk to her,” Deacon says.

“Then we force him to, asshole style,” Skittles says with a grin. “We’ve been talking about more adult ways to have fun. Why not make both happen?”

“Happy birthday to me,” I mumble.

“Don’t worry about it, big boy. I’ll make it worth it later.”

“You better.”

“All right, what do you need from us?” Luke says begrudgingly.

“You guys just be ready for tonight. For now, I’m going to do a little shopping.”

“And how is that going to help the old grump?” Tak asks. “What are you going to do, throw your new shoes at him?”

“You may be married, but I’ll put you over my knee like the spoiled brat you are, Tak.”

“And I’ll help her,” I add.

Tak gulps and looks around before looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I roll my eyes and place a hand on the back of Skittles’s neck to give a gentle squeeze.

She winks at Tak. “Y’all will see. Operation Grown-Ass Assholes game night to the rescue.”

“It’s this cabin. She gets these ideas because of this place. Why did we buy it for her again?” Kelex groans.

“Fine, so I won’t call Shawna to check to see if she wants to join.”

Kelex turns to look at her with a lazy gaze. “You told me she was already coming.”


