Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

I look over at her biting her lip. She looks so sexy, even with the tired look in her eyes. I look her over with a lazy grin.

“Lex,” I drag out as I start to grow hard again.

“Sleep the alcohol off, babe. Let’s see if you still want to talk to me in the morning.”

I hear the worry in her voice, but my lids are too heavy for me to answer. The exhaustion and alcohol take over and soon I’m snoring so loud, I can hear it in my sleep.

Chapter 36

Thanks & Goodbye


I wake with my son fast asleep on my chest. I push a hand into his soft curls and look over next to me. Lex is still knocked out with her back to us.

I drop my gaze to her ass and smile. Those little shorts look great on her. I think to reach out and palm her cheek, but AJ stirs and whimpers.

Alexis must hear him in her sleep because she moans and rolls toward us. I groan as she throws her thigh over my waist and snuggles into me with a deep sigh.

I move my arm from under my head to wrap around her. She startles from her sleep and lifts her head to look at me. When she goes to pull her leg away, I catch it with the hand I had on AJ’s back.


“You’re fine,” I murmur and place my hand on her back. “Go back to sleep.”

She relaxes and puts her head back on my chest. As I hold my world in my arms, it hits me. I’ve never felt more complete.


“Yeah, baby?”

“I miss this. I miss you.”

“It still doesn’t seem real. I think I was angrier with myself for not piecing it together sooner. Now, it’s like neon lights up close in my face.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You can stop apologizing. Thank you.”


“For giving me my son and making sure I got to know him.”

She falls silent as she snuggles deeper into my side. When it occurs to me I haven’t truly breathed since losing my mom, I take a moment to exhale. In this moment, I allow myself to see my anger and rage for what it is.

I can’t change the past, but now my wife and son need me. Feeling both their hearts beat against me closes that door of fear I’ve lived with for so long. As long as there’s breath in my body, I’ll protect them.

AJ will never have to worry about me or his mom not coming home. I’ll do all I can to make it home to him and his mom. And I’ll protect her with all I am so she’s always there for him.

“I love you, Ant. I never stopped,” she whispers.

My lids growing heavy, I allow her words to sink in. A smile comes to my lips as she and my son sigh in unison and cling to me. I close my eyes and go back to sleep with my family.

* * *


I place the last of our bags in the car and head back inside to let Ox know we’re out. I find my wife in the kitchen popping grapes in her mouth. Walking up behind her, I splay my hand against her belly and smile.

This turned out to be the best birthday weekend ever. I’m going to be a dad. Watching Ox with AJ, I can’t wait for my turn.

Speaking of my brother and his family, he walks into the kitchen looking like he had a rough night. Lex walks behind him with AJ in her arms.

“You guys need anything before we’re all gone?” I say to Ox.

“Nah, we’re good.”

“Oh, I need to get some more pull-ups and a few things for AJ,” Lex says.

“I’m sending one of my cars up for you,” Skittles says.


“You don’t need a car. I picked up my truck. I’ll take you to the store after we eat. I have a car seat for AJ already.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks.”

“Look at you two, sounding like a married couple,” Skittles coos.

Lex peeks up at Ox with a smile on her lips. He reaches for her ponytail and runs a hand down it. I notice they both seem to be cautious.

That’s why I told everyone to head back home. These two need more time to figure their shit out. We’ve got the conversation started, now they need to finish it.

“Well, you both know how to find me. I’ll call as soon as I have this figured out. Rome is already on those photos and notes.”

“Thanks, Pit,” Lex says.

“You sure you don’t want us to take AJ with us?” Skittles asks.

“No,” Ox says and shakes his head. “I want to spend time with my family. It’s the first time we’ll be alone together.”

“Aww, I love this. The drive isn’t that long. If you guys need a babysitter, let me know.”


