Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“What does Stone think?” Ian asked.

“He says it’s too early to tell and he hopes Guy regains consciousness soon since he could probably offer some help. He believes one of the two men had to be involved in some way.”

My dad finished his tea and stood. “Your mom is keeping supper hot for us both and I am looking forward to having a meal with her since we barely have had time to see each other. I fear I will never have a homemade meal again if she gets elected mayor.”

“How is Mayor Barrett?” I asked, having forgotten to ask Mom for an update.

“He’s doing well. Bragging how he’s a new and improved man and he will serve the residents of Willow Lake better than he ever has.”

I was surprised to hear that and asked, “How does his wife feel about that? She seemed so sure he would back out of the race.”

“Mayor Barrett has too many irons in the fire to back out. He’s done some good things for the town, but I believe those were a diversion to keep people from seeing the things he did and plans to do that will benefit him more than the town.”

“Mom has a lead on him in the polls. I think she’ll win the race.”

“I think you’re right. The townspeople trust your mom and well they should. She’s the most honest person I know. And the person I am eager to get home to. If you have any insights into this case let me know.”

“I see your mind going, Pep,” Ian said after my dad left.

He was right, my mind was shuffling around all the information we had so far. “Let’s say Jones was working for Swatcher. He knew about the tunnels, maybe even had an idea where the treasure was, and agreed to help—for a price. But what if he was playing both sides?”

Ian shifted. “You think he was working Anderson, too?”

“Maybe,” I said and shook my head. “I just can’t wrap my head around Anderson willingly being involved with a master thief.”

“I have to agree with you, but someone planted those coins on him. Why?”

“Waters,” I said, his name suddenly popping into my head. “He could have been on some of those treasure hunts, and he had the key Jones was looking for and maybe Guy Braven did as well.”

Ian nodded. “A possibility. But I’m even more curious about something else.”

I grinned sheepishly. “I know what you’re going to say.”

He tapped the tip of my nose with his finger. “Do you now?”

“I didn’t think before going into that tunnel alone with Amy,” I said and tapped his chest. “But you’re wrong. I knew as soon as you got my text you would rush over to the Mercantile, just as Beau would when he got Amy’s text. And I knew you wouldn’t hesitate to follow me into the tunnel. So, I entered confidently, knowing I had backup coming. You told me you would always rescue me, and I never doubted your word.” I smiled. “Besides, I didn’t want you to miss the fun of discovering the secret passageway. And you arrived just on time.”

Ian kissed me. “Thanks for including me.”

“I’d never leave you out of such an exciting adventure.” A sudden thought had me scrunching my brow. “Leave you out.”

“I know that look. You just thought of something.”

“We’re leaving something out, missing the last piece of the puzzle that defines everything. It’s like finding my aunt’s journal and finding out the story behind Ignatius and Claire.”

“You didn’t tell me that,” Ian said, surprised.

“I’m sorry. In all the excitement I forgot. I’ll get the journal for you to read while I pop some popcorn and get us more wine.” I hurried to the library and grabbed the journal for Ian.

While the popcorn popped, I watched how intently Ian read the journal and felt how lucky I was to have someone who shared so much in common with me and he wasn’t bad on the eyes either.

Hugging a bowl of popcorn and holding a bottle of wine, I joined him on the couch. I refilled our wine glasses and settled beside him to munch on the popcorn while he read. Though his hand found its way into the popcorn bowl now and again.

“This is amazing, Pep. What a love story.”

“The missing piece, my aunt’s journal, helped fill in the puzzle piece.”

“But not find the dowry, though your aunt is confident you’ll find it.”

“Missing pieces. You can’t finish a puzzle without all the pieces.”

“And you intend to find all the puzzle pieces, don’t you?”

I grinned. “You know me well.”

“Too well and it frightens me to know that a dark tunnel filled with rats wouldn’t stop you.”

“It wasn’t filled with rats.”

“Enough rats to rattle Beau.”

I laughed. “He and Amy make the perfect pair, though I don’t know how they’d fair together in a standoff with rats.”


