Perfect Grump – Bad Chicago Bosses Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Billionaire, New Adult, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 159
Estimated words: 161434 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 807(@200wpm)___ 646(@250wpm)___ 538(@300wpm)

She sighs. “Yeah, I think I’m good. Thanks. It was a productive meeting.”

“We haven’t settled shit. This has nothing to do with you. You’re making a big mistake!” Frisk barks in my face, raising his voice. Millie buries her face in Reese’s chest, clearly afraid.


“No mistake.” I lean forward. “If it involves Reese, it matters to me.”

“I never agreed she could keep my kid and you know it. You leave with Millie and we’re gonna have a problem.”

“Then get a court decree and an attorney. I’ll be waiting with mine.” I nod at Reese, motioning to her to head for the door. “Come on, we’re leaving.”

I stand and start for the door. Reese is on my heels holding Millie.

“This is my kid we’re talking about!” Frisk roars, running up behind Reese. “You think I’m gonna take this and let you pull one over on me?”

I stop in my tracks.

The coffee shop is mostly deserted, but the gaggle of baristas and customers are staring.

I’m not sure how far this guy wants to go, or if he’s crazy enough to start throwing punches in public. Regardless, he’s sure as hell not touching Reese or the kid.

“My place on Saturday mornings with a security team present,” I bite off. “There’s your custody agreement.”

“Fuck you, you—” He stops mid-sentence, red as a beet, grabbing at Millie’s arm.

The little girl lets out a piercing wail. Reese moves swiftly, prying his grimy hand off her with a quick spin he doesn’t expect.

In a flash, I’m moving, throwing myself in front of them and blocking the ogre-fuck. My phone’s already in my hand.

“What are you doing?” Frisk growls.

“Calling the police to see if they can verify your custody paperwork. Also, reporting you for attempted kidnapping and child endangerment,” I snap.

For a second, he straightens like an angry black bear. Then, slowly, he holds his hands up, his eyes going wide like he didn’t expect this.

“Wait.” Emotion laces his face, fear and hot rage mingling, before he exhales. “I was just going, asshole...”

I lower my phone.

“Good. Also, don’t bother showing up for visitation. You won’t see this kid without a court order and a cop to enforce it now. Glad we could chat.”

“She’ll hate you both for taking her daddy away,” he growls.

“I think I can live with a four-year-old not liking me if it means protecting her from a fat snake. I’m not a parent, but here’s a piece of advice my grandpa always told me—if you’re doing your job right, your kids won’t like you. If they do, you’re not enforcing the rules.” I pause. “Reese, head for the car.”

I reach into my pocket and unlock the car. I also want to make sure I’m between them.

She heads out, and I wait in front of the door, watching Frisk storm away toward the restroom. I don’t move until she’s got Millie securely in her car seat.

By the time I catch up with them, her hand slides into mine, and she gives me a quick, but ferocious hug.

“You’re amazing. Thank you, Nick. Thank you.”

“I forgot something. I said you could drive,” I tell her, refusing to be showered with praise for doing what any man with a pair should.

“That’s sweet, but...right now, I kinda just want to go home and never wake up,” she says, sniffling, the delayed adrenaline overwhelming her.

“Reese, I don’t know what he’s capable of, but he’s creepy as hell. I’d rather have you and Millie stay with me tonight.” What the hell am I saying?

I’ve lost my last marble in that scrum with Frisk. Still, I can’t sleep and risk something happening to Reese or Millie at her place. She’s got nothing but two flimsy locks between them and the outside world there.

“Your place?” Her eyes go wide. “Are you sure?”

A smile breaks across my face. There’s something so innocent about this girl.

It’s hard not to kiss her again, here, even with her niece in the back seat.

“I need you safe.” My voice comes out gravelly. “Plus, I know you’ll sleep better if you’re somewhere Will Frisk never has a prayer of breaking into.”

Her smile says I’m right.

It’s all the encouragement I need as we climb in the car.

I just wish my brain wasn’t already spinning with possibilities, imagining everything but sleep with this woman under my roof.


Spilling Psketti (Reese)

“Nick, I don’t think it’s a good idea. If anyone finds out I’m staying with you there’ll be rumors and—” I start.

“That creep tried to grab Millie. I couldn’t care less if it costs me another hit piece. Does he know where you live?” He looks at me, his eyes in flames.

I swallow. “No.”

I don’t think so, but then again, I didn’t think he had my number...

“You’re sure? Are you willing to bet Millie’s safety on it? Would Abby have ever written your address down anywhere?”


