Power Drilled – Roommates Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 55641 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 278(@200wpm)___ 223(@250wpm)___ 185(@300wpm)

Predictably, I blushed. But that didn’t stop me from wondering what it would be like to spend the afternoon with Reid—and what Claire had in store for us.

Lunch was actually pretty fun. Reid was the perfect gentleman—maybe too perfect. He didn’t look like the same man who’d had his hands all over me last night when we danced.

We sat at a table with two other bridesmaids and their dates. The bridesmaids asked Reid all kinds of questions, but he managed not to reveal too much. But his smile was so charming that the others didn’t mind.

He looked hot, too. He had on a dark green button-down dress shirt and black pants. I couldn’t help sneaking peeks over at him throughout the entire luncheon. But I figured that was okay. He was supposed to be my new boyfriend, so people hopefully assumed that we were in the early stages of infatuation.


After lunch, I explained about the video I was making for Claire and Matthew.

“You’re making videos for everyone these days,” he said. It wasn’t a question.

“That’s what I do.” Or what I used to do.

He rested his arm on the back of the chair next to him. “Then why’d we meet at an art class?”

“What do you mean?” I tried not to think about what Jackson had looked like during that class—because that’s what Reid must look like, too.

“Well, you do all this work with your phone and your laptop. But drawing seems like a completely different thing.”

“It is.”

“Are you hoping to become a graphic designer or something?”

“No, I just like drawing. Or I used to when I was younger.”

He scoffed. “You’re still young. What are you, twenty-four?”

“I’m also twenty-six.” It dawned on me that I didn't know how old he and his brothers were, which was weird since I knew their birth order. “And you?”


Wow. That seemed pretty young to have their own business and rabid fans online.

“If you had to pick one or the other, making videos or drawing by hand, which would you choose?”

“Making videos,” I said instantly. “That’s what pays the bills.” The corner of my mouth twitched upward. “And gets me wedding dates.”

He returned my smile but didn’t seem to think much of my answer. “You seem like you’d be more at home wearing a smock and sitting in front of an easel, painting a masterpiece.”

I laughed. “I used to paint, too. Haven’t done that in a long time.”

“Why not?”

“It doesn’t pay the bills, either.”

“There’s more to life than that.”

I cocked my head to the side, staring at my fake boyfriend. Jackson and Hunter kept stressing that Reid was all about the bottom line, so it seemed out of character for him to dismiss finances like that. Before I could pursue that line of thought, Claire rushed over.

“Did you enjoy the meal?”

“It was excellent,” Reid said with a smile that made my cousin’s cheeks pink. “I loved the mushroom risotto.”

“Yeah, it was great,” I told her. “Did Zoe leave? I wanted to interview her.” Most of the wedding party had already cleared out.

“Now?” Reid asked, and I realized that he was eager to go back and work on the house.

“I can call a ride service if you need to go… honey.” That last part felt strange. I’d never really been into terms of endearment like that.

Reid gave me a slightly strange look, though he knew we had to maintain the act, too. “I’ll stay.”

“Thanks. It won’t take more than ten or fifteen minutes.”

Claire crouched down between us, grinning. “Oh, it’s going to take longer than that.”

“Why, is Zoe a talker?” Reid asked.

“No.” Claire was all but beaming. “It’s because I’ve booked you two a couple’s massage.”

“You what?” I stared at Claire like she’d grown a second head.

“The massage therapist had an opening, and I thought of you two.”

My brain whirled, but no coherent response came to mind. I barely knew Reid, he was technically my boss, at least for the next week, and she wanted us to strip down and get massaged together?

Reid took over since I couldn’t find my voice. “That’s very kind of you, but today’s not a good day. I need to get back to work.”

Claire giggled. “Why, did you two get a late start this morning? I’m not surprised the way you were all over each other last night.”

Uh-oh. I took a quick glance at Reid. His eyebrows were raised practically to his hairline.

Claire was oblivious. “Oh come on, it’s no big deal. You’re in a relationship, you’re supposed to be like that.” She turned to me. “When I saw you two come out of your room together, I nearly cheered. Tanya’s been saying that you two aren’t really dating and that you just wanted a hot guy to make Jeff jealous, but when I saw that scorching kiss, I knew it was the real deal.”


