Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

When he fails to respond, I ask, “How far are you into the story?”

“A couple chapters. It’s boring as fuck.”

My mouth falls open. “Really? Once I started, I couldn’t put the book down.”

“What do you want me to say? I’m just not into it.”

I nibble at my lower lip before hesitantly admitting, “I have an idea. Something that might help you.”

He lifts a brow in curiosity.

At least, I think that’s what it is.

It’s tough to tell.

I glance away before forcing out the words. “I thought it might be easier to listen to the book instead of reading it yourself.”

The change in his demeanor is immediate. A crack of anger flashes across his face as he snaps, “You don’t think I know how to read?”

I quickly shake my head as a thick wave of tension rolls over me and my muscles stiffen. “No, of course not. I just thought it would be easier for you to listen to the story, so you don’t have to concentrate on decoding the words.”

“Because I’m slow?”

“I don’t think you’re slow. I think you have a learning disability that makes school more of a challenge. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Who said I was ashamed?” he growls, anger growing.

A fine tremble works its way through my body. On the inside, I’m shaking like a leaf. “No one.”

He smashes his lips together as his glare turns ferocious.

“It was just an idea,” I mumble, only wanting to drop the subject. “I don’t know how you’ll complete the assignments if you haven’t made it at least halfway through the book.”

“I suppose you’ve read it already.”

“Yes.” Actually, I checked it out from the library and read it a couple years ago.

But I don’t add that.

His expression turns pinched as he sneers, “Let me guess, you read it for fun in your spare time.”

Unable to hold his gaze, I glance away. “Maybe.”

“Then you can fill out the answers for me. See? Guess I’m not such a dipshit after all.”

My wide eyes fly to his as I shake my head. “I’m not going to cheat. You need to do the work yourself. I can help if you want, but that’s it.”

The glower returns. “Fine, have it your way. We’ll listen to the stupid book.”

I release an unsteady breath and attempt to calm my frazzled nerves. Getting him to agree to this feels like a small victory. In all honesty, I thought he would fight me much harder. Before he can change his mind, I grab my cell from the pocket of my blazer and pull up the audio version before pressing play. We listen to the narration for all of five minutes before Austin scoops up my phone and stops it.

“Why did you do that?”

“The voice is putting me to sleep.”


I roll my eyes. “You either need to read the book or listen to it. There aren’t any other choices.”

“Not true.”

When I lift a brow, he says, “I’d prefer you read it to me.”

“That wasn’t one of the options.”

“I don’t find your voice boring at all.” He cocks his head. “You want to make this work, don’t you?”

Of course.


“I can’t read the entire book to you.” I have zero desire to spend that much time alone with him.

All right, so maybe that’s not entirely true.

“Why not?”

“Because…it’ll take too long. I’ve been assigned to tutor you while you’re out on suspension. Once you return to school, you won’t need me anymore. You can work with your teachers.”

When his lips lift into a slow smile, my belly hollows out. Whatever he’s going to say next, I won’t like.

“Did you really think this was going to end tomorrow?” He shakes his head. “Oh no, sweet girl. We’re going to be spending a lot more time together. How else am I going to rub you in Jasper’s face?”

I shake my head. “I don’t want to be involved—”

“Too fucking late for that. You’re up to your eyeballs in it.”

When I open my mouth to argue, he says in a silky voice, “I mean, unless you want everyone at school to find out that Pembroke is boning your mother.”

His threat makes my heart stutter before pounding painfully into overdrive. “You know I don’t.”

He flashes a grin. “Yeah, I had a hunch that would be your answer.”

When I continue to stare, he points to the book on the bed. “You gonna get to it or what?”

Resentment rises inside me as I glare. “You’re forcing me to do something I don’t want.”

“Yup. Sucks to be powerless, doesn’t it?”

I gnash my teeth together before picking up the paperback and opening it.

“What chapter are you on?” I grumble.

“Just start at the beginning.”

I suck a deep breath into my lungs before gradually releasing it. This is for the best. Reading to Austin is by far the safest way to spend time together. I won’t have to worry about him laying his hands on me.


