Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)
I don’t consider myself the next Picasso, but I do appreciate my handiwork.
‘Sex Offender’ is carved into his chest. I consider cutting his dick off but know that someone in prison will do it for me.
“When do you want the photos and videos leaked?” Ford asks, looking over my shoulder curiously.
I shrug. “Let him cower in his home for a week. When he thinks he can face society again, blast it.”
Eli smirks, and I frown, noticing the blood splatter on the cuffs of my shirt. I was so preoccupied with my craftsmanship that I forgot to roll up my sleeves. I undo the shirt and then hand it to Hawke. “And burn this.”
“They don’t work for you,” Eli reminds me under his breath.
“No, but we’re all friends here, aren’t we?” I smile handsomely. “Now, who feels like a drink? My treat.”
I’m grateful Bentley’s fever went down in time to celebrate his fifth birthday. When we returned from shopping, I noticed he felt warm, and it progressively got worse. It wasn’t until he finally fell asleep and his temperature started lowering that I could message Paula, but half of my shift was already over. I’m hoping I don’t lose my job for it, but no matter what, Bentley comes first.
I spot Paula straight away as I enter the club. Tom, the security guard who usually walks me out at night, offers me a nod as I pass him and go straight to the back.
“Mr. Taylor wants to see you before you take the stage,” Paula says with an apologetic expression. I figured it was coming. I technically did a no-show for my last shift. But why is that asshole around so much lately? How had I been so lucky to avoid him for two months, and now he seems to be here all the time?
“Sure,” I say with a bright smile. I show everyone what they want to see. The smiling blonde, the happy-go-lucky girl. All the things I am anything but. When Paula leaves, I move closer to Samantha. I look at her ankle and notice it’s not bandaged, so she mustn’t have done too much damage last weekend. “Care to swap?” I ask her as I wiggle my brows.
“My song’s up next.” She rolls her eyes as I unpack my bag. She’s always considered me a troublemaker, but I know she secretly loves it. And I help her out when men get too handsy without paying. Where she might be the best dancer, she still has a lot to learn in the way of intentionally influencing men by being sickly sweet and sometimes being a little rougher when need be.
I quickly touch up my makeup. “I can dance to that. You have plenty of songs, right?”
She nods and glances in the direction that Paula just left. Farther down the hall is the office where I’m assuming Mr. Stalker Boss is. “You won’t get in trouble?” she questions.
“I’ll probably get fired, but I would at least like to make some money before I do,” I say, taking off my loose dress, my work lingerie already on underneath.
She lets out a bark of nervous laughter but agrees. I change into the schoolgirl outfit and slide on my black heels before I lean down and kiss her cheek. I wait only a few moments before the music starts playing, then I open the curtains. Men catcall, but I don’t give them the privilege of eye contact. I sway my hips as I go straight for the pole. I grab it and hook a knee around it, twirling in circles as I eye those closest to the stage, spotting which of them I think are the biggest tippers.
I come to a stop, gripping the pole with both hands, with a smile, as I throw my long blonde hair over my shoulders. I drop down into a crouch and look over my shoulder, winking at the man who looks like the biggest fish here. I lift my skirt, smack my ass, and grab a handful of flesh. Men begin cheering and throwing money on the stage. I smile as I lay down on the stage. My hands caress down my body until they reach the waistband of the skirt, and then I shimmy it down my hips until it’s off. I turn around to get on my hands and knees. As I reach for the pole again, someone lifts me and drags me off the stage.
“What the fuck! Put me down!” The men boo as I’m carried off over a shoulder, even as I kick and punch. I don’t recognize who it is until we are behind the curtains, and he speaks.
“You. On now,” he roughly commands, and that’s when I notice Samantha.
“Get my tips!” I yell out after her. She slips through the curtains, and the moment they close, I’m a fiery, chaotic bitch.