Property of Chux (Kings of Anarchy Alabama #1) Read Online Chelsea Camaron

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Anarchy Alabama Series by Chelsea Camaron

Total pages in book: 45
Estimated words: 43787 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

And I fall asleep in his arms.

Unfortunately morning comes, reality is back. I wake, the warmth is gone.

A cold, sharp fear replaces it.

I bolt upright, heart hammering, my breath coming in quick, uneven gasps. My eyes fly around the room, wild and desperate. Where am I? The events from before hit me like a freight train, slamming into my chest, making my stomach lurch.

I was locked in here.

I was taken under duress without a clue as to what is going on, to an unknown destination where I now shack up with a man who I don’t actually know anything about.

My hands tremble as I throw the blanket off, my bare feet hitting the cool floor.

How long was I asleep?

I frantically scan the small windows, but the sky outside taunts me giving me no real clue as to the time of day.

I reach for my phone—my last lifeline—but the zero signal bars mock me.

I am trapped.

My pulse pounds, the edges of my vision tunneling for a second before I force myself to breathe. Panicking won’t help. I try to mentally calm my nerves.

But the truth is so much worse than the panic. Because I don’t know how to get out. If I get honest I don’t know if I want to get out. What if the danger outside is worse than the attraction I have to a man I don’t know.

I press my fingers against my temples, trying to steady the pounding in my head. My mind is a mess—Konstantin, Chux, this whole damn situation that keeps pulling me deeper. But right now, there’s only one thing I can focus on.


She’s probably worried sick, wondering why I haven’t answered her texts, why I haven’t shown up at the shop. I can’t leave her in the dark, not when I know how she gets when I disappear without a word. But my phone’s dead, not that it matters since I haven’t had a signal since I got locked in here.

I take a slow breath and glance at Chux, who’s sitting up in the bed, arms folded over his chest, watching me like he’s waiting for my next move.

“I need to make a call,” I say, my voice firmer than I feel.

His brows lift slightly. “Who?”


His eyes narrow, like he’s trying to figure out if this is some kind of trick. “And what exactly are you telling her?”

“That I’m fine,” I say quickly. “That she doesn’t need to worry. But I also need her to cover the shop while I’m gone.”

Chux exhales through his nose, like he’s already decided he doesn’t like this. “You realize the second you call her, she’s gonna know something’s off, right?”

“She’s my best friend,” I say. “She already knows something’s off.”

His jaw tightens. I can tell he’s debating it, but finally, he gets up, moves to the door. There he gives a three sharp knock alert. The door opens, he mutters something to whomever is on the other side of the door before turning back to me phone in hand, and then holds it out to me. “On speaker.”

I don’t argue. I just take the phone and dial her number, my pulse racing as it rings.

She picks up on the second ring. “Hello,” She answers timidly.

“Kelly,” Alaina begins but she’s cut off.

“What the hell, Ally?!”

I wince. “Kel⁠—”

“Don’t you Kel me!” she snaps. “I’ve been texting, calling—where are you?”

I glance at Chux, who’s watching me with that unreadable expression. “I’m… out of town for a bit.”

“Out of town?” she repeats. “With no warning? No call? What’s going on?”

I grip the phone a little tighter. “No questions right now. I just need you to cover for me, okay? I don’t want you in this.”

There’s a long pause. “You know that’s not how this works.”

I close my eyes for a second, hating this. I want to tell her the truth which isn’t much. But I need her safe, and that means keeping her out of this.

Chux reaches over, grabbing the phone before I can stop him.

“Kelly,” he says, his voice calm but firm. “I’m sending Riot to you. He’ll be at your side any time you’re at the shop. I’ve had eyes on you, but this will work better any way. If anyone calls or comes by asking, Ally is out sick with the flu. No shipments get opened except by Riot. You got me?”

There’s a heavy silence, then, “Who the fuck is this? Who the hell is Riot?”

I rub my forehead. “Kel, it’s fine⁠—”

“No, it’s not fine,” she snaps. “Who the hell is talking like they run my life right now?”

Chux smirks slightly, but his tone stays even. “Name’s Chux. And I don’t run your life—I just keep the people in it from getting dead.”

Kelly lets out a sharp breath. “Ally, what is going on?”

I grip the phone tighter. “Just listen to me, okay? Everything he just said? You follow it. Don’t ask questions. If anyone comes looking for me, I’m out with the flu. Please don’t fight me on this. When I can tell you, I will and I won’t leave anything out.”


