Provoke Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 112701 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

“Why do you have to be so damn grumpy? I need to cancel the dinner plans I had for the evening, but I’ll be here for as long as needed.”

He’s quiet for a moment, and I wonder what he’s doing on the other end.

“Fine. I’d like you to work this afternoon on contacting all the publications we’ll want to feature Diosa and Holly in. Book those shoots for any time within the next forty-five days. Interview questions can be sent over immediately. If we can do the shoots here and send them the proofs, even better.”

“On it,” I say, jotting as much of this down as I remember.

That will easily keep me busy the rest of the day.

“Come to my office straight after you finish that, and we can get started. For the rest of the week, I’d like you to work on interviews and getting the other two accounts and talent set up with different publications. This is most important.”

“Will do.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt your plans, but this is important.”

He doesn’t sound like he’s sorry at all. What about the part where he interrupted my lunch? Do I get an apology for that?

“Raven, did you hear me?”

“Yes, and no worries. This account comes first, sir.” I say ‘sir’ a bit surlier than necessary, and I don’t doubt he heard it, based on the way he clears his throat.

“Good. Thank you, Raven.”

I put the phone down and stare at it for several minutes. I got my thank you, although he practically snarled it.

Charles is making it very clear that he’s my boss, and if nothing else, he’s treating me like everyone else in the office.

Ugh. In the office. God, I hope he doesn’t play this Jekyll and Hyde routine every time we go somewhere.

I sigh as I realize I need to cancel on poor Asher after I practically begged him to come out with me.

This is important for my job. I have to make a good impression.

The only way I’m ever going to succeed is if I work hard. He’ll understand.

But spending my evening with Charles . . . stuck in his office with nobody else around . . . no thank you.

I gulp and quickly change my stream of thought.

I won’t think like that again.

It’s not healthy.

It’s not right.

Yet it’s all I’ll think about for the next several hours.

Fuck my luck.

I get to work sending Asher a message to inform him about the change of plans.

Asher is naturally upset but assures me he’ll be badgering me tomorrow for another dinner date.

I finish up my lunch, throwing it into the trash and making my way back to my office. My phone beeps, and I look down to see one last text from Ash.

Asher: I’m proud of you, Raven. You’re kicking ass at Cavendish.

I know in that instant that he definitely wasn’t involved in the Summer debacle.

Not Asher.

He wants me to win just as much as he wants to win. He’s my cheerleader and confidant, and it’s one thing I don’t have to worry about ever losing. We’re in things together.

The evening rolls around quickly, and I nervously make my way to Charles’s office. I glance around and see that only two people remain. One is packing up, and the other is Shelby, who’ll undoubtedly leave within the hour.

“Hey, Raven. Getting ready for a long night with the boss man?”

I lean over her desk and whisper, “What kind of mood is he in?”

She smirks. “Lucky for you, he’s in an exceptionally chipper mood this afternoon.”

My one eyebrow lifts. “Dare I ask why?”

She shrugs. “No clue. But thank God for small miracles.”

Thank God is right. If I had to endure his grumpiness for any amount of time tonight, I might go off the deep end. His moods give me whiplash, and I’m bound to snap one of these days.

“I’m going in. Have a good night.”

“You, too,” she says, raising her brows.

I knock and wait until he calls out for me to come in.

“How did the afternoon go? Did you get things sorted with the pubs?” He assaults me with questions before I can even make it fully into the room.

So, this is how it’s going to go?

Twenty questions, interrogating me on the job I did, because heaven forbid that the man relinquishes a modicum of control. As if I can’t do the job to his expectations.

I plaster on the largest smile I can muster and jump into the details, hoping it shuts him up.

“I did. Holly is booked with People, Elle, Cosmo, and Women’s Health.”

I focused all my energy on getting all four booked out within the next two months, getting ahead on the job he asked me to make my project for the whole week. He might not be used to people getting shit done, but I’m not those people. I’m a go-getter, and I’m damn good.


