Provoke Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 112701 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

“Of course, but that is not something I want to think about now,” he says and grins at me. “Just let me kiss you.”

“We said not in the office.”

“How about not in the office after today?”

“Only if you promise to take me to my favorite place for something sweet. You know I can’t resist a good snack.”

“Anything you want, love. But you’re my favorite dessert.”

He dives back in and kisses me gently, alternating between sucking on and nipping my bottom lip. I’m so keyed up I can hardly stand it. I rub against his leg, chasing an orgasm that’s just out of reach.

His hand moves below my shirt, pulling down my bra and kneading my breasts. He pinches a nipple between his fingers. I cry out, and he smothers it with a kiss.

I continue to ride his leg unabashedly as his hands move over me, causing a riot of sensation.

“Will you come for me, Raven?” he says, lifting my shirt and taking one nipple into his mouth.

My head falls back on a moan as my orgasm builds.

I’m rocking against him so hard that it’s only a matter of time before I shatter, coming all over his expensive pants.

In one motion, he lifts me into his arms and places me on the edge of his desk, lifting my skirt and pulling my panties down my legs. His hand lands at my center and rubs feverishly before he inserts one and then two fingers. I fall back onto my elbows, watching as his fingers pump in and out, pulling my orgasm closer.

One pump.

Two pumps.

I fall apart.

“Charles,” I whimper, continuing to rock back and forth, riding out my pleasure against his hand.

He pulls me flush against him, and I practically sag into his arms.

I’m sated and thoroughly exhausted.

“That was . . .”

“A new experience,” he says.

I look up into his eyes. “Yes.”

Embarrassment should set in at any moment. I rode his leg right here in his office like a horny teenager.

But embarrassment never comes.

Because Charles makes me feel safe.



“Happy Birthday, dear Lily. Happy Birthday to you.”

We bellow the birthday song at the top of our lungs, drawing every other person in the place into our shenanigans.

After we finished dinner at the restaurant in Little Italy, we headed back toward our neck of the woods to a karaoke bar around the corner from Lily’s place. We’ve spent the past hour singing all of Lily’s favorites, and I’m exhausted.

“Thanks, guys. I’m so glad you two are celebrating with me.”

Lily’s about one drink away from sloshed. Before too long, we’ll need to take her home and tuck her into bed.

“We have presents,” I say, setting the misshaped gift onto the table.

Asher follows suit, placing his much smaller and beautifully wrapped gift next to it.

“One wacky gift.” I grin, handing her the larger of the two packages.

She narrows her eyes suspiciously at the item.

“Is that a Nerf gun? Please tell me we’re about to bust out a game of Nerf wars right here,” she says, hiccupping.

“That will lead to arrests, and we’re all adults now, remember?” I whine.

“Yeah, no guns.” Asher chuckles.

She unwraps the gift I chose, a dirty word coloring book complete with a set of colored pencils. The snort laugh that rips through her chest is hysterical. It’s a sound I didn’t think possible for Lily’s petite frame. Guess I picked correctly on the gift or she’s just super drunk.

“Oh, boy. Someone needs to go home,” I utter.

“Not before she opens the sentimental gift.” Asher pushes the small white box with a giant pink and white polka dot bow on the top.

She unwraps it quickly and gasps at the Tiffany pendant. An item that we’ve both eyed for months.

Of course Ash remembered.

I shoot him an impressed head bob.

“It’s gorgeous.”

“And so are you,” he says, turning his megawatt smile on my friend.

He doesn’t even realize she’s googly eyes over him as he jumps up from the table.

“I need to piss.”

My nose scrunches. “Men,” I mutter, and Lily giggles.

“Where have you been?” Lily whines. “Since you got that job, I hardly see you.”

I grimace because she’s right. I’ve been slacking at keeping in touch. My mind has been so preoccupied.

I glance around to ensure Asher isn’t loitering.

“I’m kind of seeing someone,” I whisper.

“You’re what?” she bellows, and I clap my hand to her mouth.

“Shh. I don’t want anyone but you to know.”

Her eyebrow rises, and I remove my hand.

“Why not? That’s exciting.”

“It’s . . . complicated.” I blow out a breath.

Her eyes narrow, and her head tilts to the side. “Oh, no. Raven . . . tell me you didn’t hook up with the hot stranger turned boss.”

I bare my teeth in an oops, expression.

“Gah! You totally did. Tell me all about it.”

“I will, but not here. I haven’t told Asher about him yet, and I don’t want him to find out tonight.”


