Provoke Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 112701 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

The floors are white marble, and I have to slow my pace so I don’t wipe out. The place is floor-to-ceiling white. The only touch of color comes from the décor. It’s stunning.

“Is this for real?” I ask when I make my way to the back of the house.

It’s nothing but window after window, giving an incredible view of the back.

Tall trees surround the entire backyard, blocking us from the view of the neighbors. The property is large enough that it’s likely unnecessary, but it’s nice to know we’re hidden from the world and can do as we please.

I don’t even bother to go into a room to cover myself as I strip down and put my bikini on. He laughs the whole time.

Charles stands in front of me with a big towel, wrapping it around me.

“Your towel, my lady.”

I almost die.

It’s like one of those big, white hotel towels, and it’s wrapped around me twice. It’s luxurious in a way I’m not used to.

A girl could definitely get used to this, though.

Charles is in his red swim trunks, and my mouth dries at how spectacular he looks in them. His chiseled chest is on full display, and my eyes trail down and over his six-pack abs, right down to the V that dips beneath his shorts.

Too damn hot for his own good.

Together, we walk over to a pool that is quite possibly the fanciest pool I have ever seen in my life. It seems to go on forever as it weaves around rocks that form tunnels that lead to a grotto.

He jumps in, pulling me with him.

“Charles,” I scream, right before I’m submerged.

When I surface, I see that we’ve splashed water everywhere, and even the towels are soaked. He’s laughing, but I’m not.

“How are we supposed to dry off?”

“It’s sunny, love. I’ll get you another towel while you sunbathe.”

“That works,” I say, nodding my head in approval.

“You’re very easy to please.” He grins, which appears to be a staple on his handsome face today.

It looks good on him. The tense posture and rigid features that he wears around the office are gone. He looks younger, lighter.

“This is pure luxury. A girl could get used to this lifestyle.” I swim up toward him.

His eyes darken, and his lips form a thin line.

“What’s wrong?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing. I’m going to grab a drink. Would you like something?”

“Please,” I say, watching as he walks off.

I think back over my words, wondering what I could’ve said or done to make him react that way. I’d simply complimented the place.

Then again, the lifestyle is probably the exact reason he doesn’t date. Plenty of women wouldn’t see Charles for the catch that he is, beyond the money.

He’s back quickly, handing me a drink. The hardened look is absent, and I thank God for that. The last thing I want is for this short trip to be ruined.

“A glass of champagne, mixed with pool water, for the lovely lady.”

I take a sip. “Ah, how did you know? My favorite drink of all time.”

He smirks. “It’s Prosecco, sans the water.”

“My hero.”

The rest of the day is magic. We spend it poolside, eating the most incredible food made by a private chef.

Charles had made a call to have Andre available to feed us. He stops by every now and again with platters, more champagne, and anything else our hearts’ desire. Then he made himself scarce again. It’s hard not to get swept away by the extravagance of the place.

We’re lounging by the pool, and my eyes blink open when I feel someone hovering above me.

Charles grins down at me. “You look ravishing.”

I rise up on my elbows. “That so?”

He nods. “I’m starving.”

“You just ate,” I tease, shielding my eyes from the sun.

“Yes, but I want you, Raven.”

Liquid fire heats low in my gut, and I’m suddenly hungry, too.

Hungry for him.

He lowers onto his knees, scooting my body to the end of the chair so my legs dangle over. As he pulls down my bikini bottoms, my core coils with an intense need, and I’m aching for what’s to come.

He doesn’t make me wait.

His mouth descends on my center, lapping, sucking, nipping.

My back lifts off the chair with a moan, and I fear Andre will hear. I tense, and Charles must sense it.

“Nobody’s going to hear you, love. Let go.”

He moves back to my center, adding his fingers to the mix. He inserts one, pumping in and out of me as I buck against his hand, all the while continuing his pattern.




Oh, God!

He inserts a second finger, and my pussy clenches around both.

“Charles,” I cry out, and his fingers work harder. Faster.

I’m coming apart, and it’s the greatest form of ecstasy. No drug could ever compare to the things Charles does to my body.

He continues to lap at me as I grind against him, riding out the orgasm.


