Pucking Dirty (Pucked Up Love #1) Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Sports, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Pucked Up Love Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40046 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 200(@200wpm)___ 160(@250wpm)___ 133(@300wpm)

And yet, that's precisely what I'm doing now. I'm playing it safe. I'm trying desperately to keep my father from finding out that I'm falling fast for one of his players—one who looks at me like I'm the only thing he sees. I can tell myself all day long that this is about protecting my reputation, but it's a lie. It was a lie before I ever told it the first time.

The only thing I'm truly afraid of…is Nash being sent down to the minor leagues. Of us imploding in a way that ruins everything for him. He didn't work as hard as he did to have it ripped away. That isn't fair to him.

But giving him up doesn't seem fair to either of us. I'm a grown ass woman. Why can't I have this one thing? Why can't he have it? No matter how many times my mind spits those defiant questions, it circles back to the same complicated answer.

This isn't just about us. It's about every man on the ice with him. A rift between him and my father over me creates a rift for the whole team. They have to be on the same page. It's the only way they win games. That has to come first right now.

I want to be selfish, though. God, do I ever.

Nash glances up from his conversation with Jordan. Even from halfway across the ice, his eyes lock with mine. My heart clenches in a vise, heat blasting through me.

He abandons the conversation, skating toward me.

I hold my breath until he's in the team box, pressed up against the Plexiglas between the bench and our row. He does not look happy.

"Hi," I squeak, fully aware that everyone in the vicinity is staring at us. I can feel Alice's eyes boring into the side of my head.

"Where's your jersey, princess?" he growls.

"Oh. Um…" I glance down at my shirt and then shrug helplessly. "I'm in team regalia."

"You need a jersey."

"This is fine, Nash."

He shakes his head, something unholy possessive in his eyes.

"Oh my," Alice whispers as he reaches over his shoulder, hauling his jersey up over his pads.

"Nash!" I hiss, fully aware that everyone in the vicinity is blatantly staring now. I hear them whispering. "You can't take your jersey off in the freaking box!"

He completely ignores me as he strips it off over his head and then straightens, crooking a finger at me.

I briefly consider ignoring him, but the look in his eyes tells me I'll pay for it if I do. I leap from my seat like the damn thing is on fire, stepping up against the Plexiglass off to the side so we have the semblance of privacy.

He skates over and tosses the jersey over the top to me. "Put it on, baby girl."

"You're out of control, do you know that?" I grumble, snatching the jersey as it falls over this side of the glass. "You're risking a frigging penalty just to get me in your jersey."

He smirks, the devil in his eyes. "Wouldn't be an issue if you'd worn the jersey I sent you. You going to put it on?"

"Maybe. Maybe I'll burn it to keep myself warm." I shrug, scowling at him. "Undecided."

His smirk grows. "You're cute when you're pissed, Emilia."

"And you're not cute when you're being ridiculous."

"Really? Is that why you're staring at me like you want to climb over here and climb me right now?"

"Am not," I lie.

"Yeah, you are." He places his palm against the glass between us, sighing. "You going to wait for me after the game?"

"Maybe. Maybe my dad will strangle you before it ends and I'll be attending your funeral instead." That's a very real possibility right now. There's no way he's not going to find out about this.

"Maybe I should climb over there and climb you." Nash arches a brow, glancing behind me. "Think there are any reporters in the audience right now willing to document the show, princess?"

"Probably. I bet you could even make a few dollars off it. I mean, since you'll need a job after you've finished destroying your career and everything," I say sweetly, batting my lashes. "But go ahead. Do your thing, big guy."

"Do not tempt me right now, Emilia," he growls, his gaze tangling with mine. "I haven't seen you in two days. I'm ready to snap."

I soften like melted freaking butter when I see the look in his eyes. He missed me.

"I'll wait for you, Nash," I say softly, unable to resist him. As if I ever stood a freaking chance. "Will you please go put a jersey on now before my dad sees you and there is bloodshed before the horn even sounds?"

"Fine." He smirks at me. "But just so you know…I like it a helluva lot better when you're trying to get me out of my clothes. You trying to get me back into them is not working for me."


