Pucking Dirty (Pucked Up Love #1) Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Sports, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Pucked Up Love Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40046 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 200(@200wpm)___ 160(@250wpm)___ 133(@300wpm)

"Because you stripped your jersey off in an arena full of people and demanded I put it on."

"You're mad."

"I'm not mad." I sigh, pushing my way into his arms. I don't think it's possible to be mad at him when I want him as much as I do. He's like a drug—potent, dangerous, wildly addictive. And, as I'm quickly coming to realize, there isn't much I'm not willing to do to get another hit of him.

He tips my head back, his lips brushing mine. "You know I'm not going to let anything happen to you, right? You're safe with me."

My heart squeezes in a vise. "Maybe it's not me that I'm worried about, Nash. You have more to lose than I do. That game could have started with you in the box or on the bench tonight, and you know it."

His lips brush mine again, starting an inferno in my womb. "Maybe you should let me worry about me and my decisions. I'm a big boy, Emilia. I can handle myself."

"You think so, huh?" I bite his bottom lip, frustrated. "You've never gone up against my dad when he's pissed, then."

"I'm not afraid of Lariat." He thrusts his hand in my hair, craning my head back. His lips slide down the side of my throat, making me whimper. "He can't stop what's happening between us."

"W-what's happening between us?"

His eyes lock with mine, his expression deadly serious. "I'm convincing you to fall in love with me."


"Fuck it," he groans, seaming his lips to mine. He kisses me like he's trying to brand me again, setting entire sections of my soul on fire. Hell, he sets me on fire, sending me up in an inferno of quivering need.

"Nash," I moan into his mouth, my fingers tangled in the damp strands of his hair as he kisses me again and again, leaving me drunk on his taste. It isn't nearly enough to satisfy me. It's been two days since I felt this man inside me. I need him to fuck me.

"You want me, princess?"


"How bad?" He drags my bottom lip through his teeth, tugging me so close I feel his erection against my stomach. "How many rules are you willing to break to get what you want, Emilia?"

That's not even a question, and I think he knows it. There isn't a rule I'm not willing to break for him. That's the power he has over me. That's the danger he presents. And that's part of why I can't imagine not having him just like this. He's consuming me, turning me inside out, upside down, and changing me into something new. Someone willing to risk everything just for a taste of the forbidden, just for one more kiss, one more touch, one more second just like this.

He doesn't have to convince me to fall. I've been falling all along, crashing to earth like a falling star. And God help us both, but I don't want to stop.

"Every rule, Nash," I whisper. "I'll break every rule for you."

The smile he gives me is worth the confession. So is the way he kisses me like I just handed him the entire damn world.

"Come on," he growls, breaking from my lips with his hands on my ass. "Let's go see how brave you really are."

I gulp…but I don't tell him no. Instead, I place my hand in his, allowing him to pull me from my office. We hurry down the empty hall, neither of us speaking.

We don't say a word until we reach the mouth of the tunnel and step out onto the ice. It's been smoothed over, every groove from their skates wiped away in the hours since the game ended. The silence of the arena is almost eerie after so much noise earlier.

"What are we doing?"

"You'll see." He shoots me a devilish smirk, holding onto me as he strides out onto the ice with all the confidence of one who's spent his life on it. He heads toward the boards, pulling me along with him.

"You owe me five minutes in the box, princess."

"For what?"

"Showing up out of uniform. Keeping my cock hard all night. Driving me fucking crazy." He shrugs. "Take your pick."

I turn wide eyes on him.

"Think I can make you come all over me before your time is up?"

"Nash," I hiss, my gaze darting around. "There are still people here." I mean, there's no one out here except the two of us. But janitors and support staff are probably still crawling all over the building.

He lifts me into the penalty box with his hands on my hips and the devil in his eyes. "Guess you should be real quiet then, Emilia."

The door slams behind us.

I gulp, scurrying backwards.

"What'd I tell you about running from me?"

"Something, something, you're a madman?"

"Yeah, that was definitely it." His lips quirk as he stalks me across the narrow box, heat in his eyes. "Your five minutes starts as soon as I get my hands on you."


