Punished (Brides of the Kindred #27) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 130317 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“Careful baby girl—don’t hurt yourself!” Sev growled, gripping her hips to slow her descent. “Gods—so tight!” he added.

“I’m…I’m okay,” Mia assured him. She wiggled to be free of his restraining hands and Sev reluctantly loosened his grip, letting her sink down even further. Mia moaned as she felt her inner walls stretching to accommodate his girth but she felt no pain—only an intense pleasure at being filled so deeply by the man she loved.

But I don’t have him all the way inside me yet, she thought, looking down. I still have to take the knot!

Could she do it? She was determined to try—but suddenly a new thought struck her.

“Sir?” she said, looking at Sev, who was now sucking her left breast as she rode his cock.

“Hmm?” He looked up, letting Mia know he was listening.

“Won’t taking your knot in my pussy and letting you come in me…won’t that mean you could…could get me pregnant?” Mia asked.

Sev stopped sucking. He let her tingling nipple slip from his mouth and gave her his full attention.

“Yes, baby girl—that’s true,” he said seriously. “But knotting you and creaming deep in your little pussy is the only way I can Bond you to me.” He frowned. “I know you’re nervous about having a baby, though.”

“I never wanted one with Michael—I didn’t really love him and I know he didn’t love me,” Mia admitted. “But I do love you, Sev—with all my heart. I’m just…not completely sure I’m ready yet.”

“I understand, baby.” He stroked a lock of hair out of her face and cupped her cheek in one big hand. “I love you too, you know. And I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. Should we put this off?”

“Put off our Bonding? No!” Mia shook her head firmly. “But, well…is there any way to lessen the chances of pregnancy? Maybe some kind of birth control?”

Sev shook his head.

“There’s almost no form of birth control that works when you’re with a Kindred male,” he told her. “Although, with my kind of Kindred, there is a way to at least lessen the odds you’ll get a big belly when I shoot my cream in your pussy.”

“How?” Mia asked, shifting a little to try and get more of him inside her. She liked feeling so full of his cock!

“Gods, baby—you’re making it hard for me to think!” Sev groaned. He spanked her ass cheek with one big hand. “Be still!”

“Sorry, Sir.” Mia subsided at once, lowering her eyes demurely.

“Good girl—that’s better,” Sev said approvingly. “So the only way to lessen the odds of pregnancy is for you to try not to come.”

Mia looked up at him.

“I shouldn’t come while you fuck me?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“No. You see, the feeling of you coming around my shaft causes my body to release a flood of hormones in my precum, which in turn will cause your body to react.”

“React how?” Mia asked, surprised.

“Well, the mouth of your womb will open and let the head of my shaft inside, which means when I do come, I’ll be spurting my cream directly into your womb,” Sev explained. “Among my people, that’s called a ‘deep seeding.’ But it can’t happen if you don’t come,” he added.

Mia bit her lip. He already felt so good inside her and her little clit was so tender and sensitive—not to mention the hot sensations she got when he was sucking the nectar from her breasts. Could she keep herself from orgasming while he fucked her and shot his cream deep in her pussy?

“You have to make up your mind now, before I knot you,” Sev warned. “Because once my knot swells inside you, we’ll be tied together and I won’t be able to help coming inside you—either painting the walls of your sweet little pussy with my cream…or actually creaming deep inside your womb, depending on if you come or not,” he added.

“I think I can do it,” Mia said tentatively. “I want to try, at least.”

“All right—we’ll try,” Sev growled, drawing her in for a kiss. When the kiss finally broke, he looked at her intensely, his golden eyes blazing. “But one way or another, I’m not leaving this bedroom until we have a Soul Bond, baby girl.”

Mia felt her heart thump in her chest.

“That’s what I want too,” she whispered. “To be together forever.”

“Good.” Sev kissed her again. “Then get ready because I’m going to fuck you, baby girl—fuck you nice and deep and get you ready to take my knot. Just remember—don’t come on my shaft while I fuck you or you might end up with a big belly.”

“I can do it—I can hold back,” Mia promised herself as much as him.

“Then here we go, baby.”

Sev tightened his grip around her hips and lifted her as easily as if she weighed next to nothing—which was definitely not the case. Mia wouldn’t have stood for it from any other guy, but she actually liked the way her partner was so big and strong that he could manhandle her this way. She moaned and relaxed in her hands, letting him lift her and lower her, his cock getting a little deeper into her pussy with every thrust.


