Punished (Brides of the Kindred #27) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 130317 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“I’m looking,” Sev told her. “I’m telling you, there’s nothing. You want me to lift you up so you can see for yourself?”

Mia scowled.

“That’s right—make fun of me for being height challenged.”

Sev shrugged.

“Just trying to help…little one,” he said, a rare smile twitching one corner of his mouth.

It was kind of a running joke between them, only this time it wasn’t funny.

“Where did my clothes go?” she demanded. “Do you think someone snuck in here and stole them last night?”

Sev frowned and shook his head.

“No—I would have smelled them. Heard them too, for that matter. I think the most likely thing is that the dresser itself took your clothes somehow. Look.”

He pushed on the top of the dresser and Mia heard a soft creaking sound.

“Just what I thought,” Sev said. “There’s a kind of door at the top of this thing—it probably leads down to the dirty clothes chute.” He shrugged. “I’m sorry, Mia—I think your suit is probably gone. It must have gotten sucked down the chute last night.”

“Great—and good luck getting it back again. I’m sure the PPP is one of those cults where the women always wear dresses because trousers are “unfeminine.”

Sev frowned.

“Was your sect like that?”

“Oh, absolutely.” Mia nodded glumly. “I didn’t wear anything but dresses and skirts for years.” She shook her head. “I’m not exactly happy to go back to them, either. Especially if I have to wear them with nothing underneath!”

“Well—they did provide undergarments for me,” Sev pointed out, pulling at the waistband of his black trousers. “If you want—”

“No, no—thanks for offering,” Mia said hastily. “But you’re already wearing them and besides, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t fit me.”

She sighed in frustration. Was she really going to have to go around in public wearing a see-through dress with nothing underneath it?

Unfortunately, she didn’t see any choice. With a muffled curse, she took the loose white dress to her side of the bed, turned her back, and dressed as quickly as possible.

Once she had it on, the dress fit more snuggly than she’d imagined it would—it was especially tight over her breasts. The good thing was, it had a kind of Empire waistline, so the top of the dress acted as a kind of bra. The bad thing was, it had a V-neckline that showcased her breasts, especially her nipples which seemed determined to stay pointy and erect no matter what she did.

Under her breasts, the dress fell in a simple straight line to her mid calves—which was the most unflattering dress length possible, in Mia’s opinion. Of course, there were no socks or shoes provided to go with it, just as there had been no underwear. Sev had been given plain black shoes and socks which—amazingly in Mia’s view—actually fit him. She was surprised the PPP had clothing and shoes in her partner’s immense size.

“Well, I guess we’re ready to go,” Sev remarked, breaking her train of thought. He looked at Mia in the new white dress but prudently said nothing. That was one of the good things about her partner—he knew when to hold his tongue. Because nothing he could have said would have made Mia feel better about her ridiculous outfit and he probably knew that.

“Yeah, I guess so.” She nodded, thinking that he looked amazing in his new clothes—the crisp white shirt really emphasized the width of his broad shoulders. While her own clothes just made her boobs look even bigger than they were—which was quite an accomplishment considering she already wore a triple D cup.

“Hey…” Sev seemed to be searching for something to say. “You look nice,” he finally managed.

Mia sighed.

“And here I was thinking that one of the things I like about you is that you know when to not say anything. This dress is horrible—it’s see through up top and it makes my hips and behind look even wider than they are—which is really saying something.”

“Don’t you remember me telling you that your curves are beautiful?” His voice had gone low and soft. “That you’re an Elite?”

Mia felt her cheeks getting hot at his reference to the things they’d done and said the night before.

“I thought we weren’t going to talk about it,” she said shortly.

Sev shrugged.

“All right. Let’s go eat First Meal instead.”

He left the bedroom and Mia followed him down the hallway to the kitchen, feeling relieved. She really was hungry—she hoped that whatever Brother Jonash had programmed for her to eat was hearty and delicious.



Unfortunately, the few bits of food that came out of the left-hand tube—the wife’s tube—were neither hearty nor delicious looking.

Sev tried his first. Pressing the button on the side of the brass tube caused it to produce five large blue, speckled eggs—(to Mia they looked as big as the duck eggs you could buy at the Asian market)—as well as a thick slab of dark brown meat that smelled a bit like ham and candied yams put together. Also several pieces of fruit that looked like a bunch of bananas except they were bright pink, purple, orange, and green came out.


