Quinn Read Online Andria Large (The Beck Brothers #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Beck Brothers Series by Andria Large

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 57161 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 286(@200wpm)___ 229(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

Quinn watched through the open door. Sebastian was standing over Johnny, his hand wrapped up in Johnny’s shirt, pulling him up slightly so that he could smash his face with his other fist. Henry shoved Sebastian away so he could get in a couple of good shots. Even Christian went over and got in a hit.

His mother, Anne, was repeatedly screaming, “What’s going on?” His father was arguing with his Uncle Jack. His Aunt Marie was standing off to the side, staring in horror. Claire and Raelynn went out back with the kids to keep them out of the way. Margot slipped past everyone and came out the front door.

Margot had tears running down her face and she broke into a little jog to reach him. Once she did, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely. Quinn wrapped his arms around her and held her close. God, how he needed her; he needed her like he needed air; she has become everything to him. Margot pulled back and cupped his face in her hands.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

Quinn shook his head.

“What can I do? Is there anything?” she asked, her voice and face tortured.

Quinn shook his head again. He reached up and removed Margot’s hands from his face. “I need to be alone for a while,” he said. He turned and started walking down the sidewalk.

Margot didn’t argue or even call after him. She understood, and he knew she did - just one of the things that he loved about her. She seemed to understand when he needed space, and right now, he needed it, badly; otherwise, he was going to freak out again. Quinn walked until it was dark. He didn’t pay attention to where he was going, although when he looked around, he knew exactly where he was; however, inside he was lost- so very lost.


Margot stared at Quinn’s back as he walked away. She understood that he needed some space after what just happened. She was still in shock, too. When they walked in the door and Quinn froze as he did, staring at the heavyset man talking to Christian, she knew. Margot knew that he was the man who abused Quinn when he was ten.

Then Quinn went into a rage. Margot has never seen anything like it, and it had scared the ever-living crap out of her. What freaked her out the most was how silent Quinn was through the whole thing. He did not utter one word, and the only sound he made was when Sebastian put him in a headlock - even then, it was only a grunt. Scary… Quinn had been seriously scary in those few moments while he was attacking his cousin.

Margot saw the looks on his brothers’ faces when he was strangling Johnny. They were stunned, so dumbfounded that they just stood there and watched for what seemed like forever. Finally, Sebastian snapped out of it and grabbed Quinn before he could kill the man. Sebastian really used his muscle, too, because Quinn did not want to let go.

Margot turned and walked back into the house. Christian was trying to hold back both Henry and Sebastian as they argued with Johnny and his father. Johnny screamed that he was going to call the police and press charges. Henry Sr., who had been silently watching, burst into action; he gripped Johnny up by his shirt collar and got right in his broken and bloody face.

“If you think for one second that you are going to threaten my family after what you did to my son, you have another thing coming. I will shove a broomstick so far up your ass that you will have splinters on your tongue. Do you hear me, boy?” he snarled.

Henry, Sebastian, and Christian all turned slowly and gaped at their father. Apparently, they have never heard anything like that ever come out of their father’s mouth. Margot had to agree that it was extremely impressive.

“Yes…yes, sir, I changed my mind…I won’t press charges…” Johnny sputtered.

“Take your son, Jack, and get the hell out of my house. I never want to see his disgusting face again. You and I will talk later,” Henry Sr. said to his brother as he shoved Johnny backwards into his father’s arms.

Margot and the Becks watched in silence as Johnny and his parents left the house. As soon as the front door closed behind them, everyone turned to look at Henry Sr. He glanced at everyone and shrugged.


“What? Dad! That was totally badass!” Sebastian exclaimed. “You told Johnny that ‘you would shove a broomstick so far up his ass that he was going to have splinters on his tongue!’ Where the hell did that come from? It was fucking awesome!”

Henry Sr. shrugged again. “That little prick hurt my son,” he said as if that explained it all, which basically it did.


