R for Rough – Camassia Cove Universe Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 45251 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

“What’re your thoughts on waterboarding, boy?”

Oh my God.

I widened my eyes, then hurriedly climbed up on dry land, and I managed to escape before he could get a proper grip on my hoodie. It made him curse.

I ran as fast as I could, my sneakers making squishy sounds the whole fucking way. Damn, that water was cold.

All of a sudden, I saw someone else. Was that Cal? Oh shit, he was being chased by someone wearing a ski mask.

I changed direction again, and I ran and ran until I realized I couldn’t hear any screams anymore. It’d been a while since I’d heard Justin and Kit.

Throwing a glance over my shoulder, I…didn’t see anyone at all.

I was alone.

I swallowed against the dryness in my throat and slowed to a stop. Where was Griffin? He didn’t have the tablet, so he couldn’t be sure where I was. Had I outrun him?

Gasping for air, I leaned against a tree and blinked rapidly. Trees everywhere. No Griffin. Maybe over there, where I could spot thicker vegetation and cliffs. Was he hiding? Biding his time? Waiting to ambush me?

In a matter of seconds, nerves frazzled me and formed a knot in my stomach. I breathed too heavily and couldn’t really calm down—or stand still. I looked around me, just waiting for him to appear.

Funny how the woods suddenly appeared darker and more ominous.

I heard an owl in the distance.

I wiped my hands off on my pants, and I peered down at my shoes. Soaking wet, the bottom of my pants too.

Deep breaths. Deep, slow breaths.

“I know you can see me!” I croaked out.

I didn’t fucking know, though.

Feeling parched, I licked my lips and figured I couldn’t stay here the whole night. Either I went on the prowl for Griffin, or I tried to find my way back to my friends—hopefully with time to be of use. And I could find water on the way.

I exhaled shakily and flexed my limbs, noticing how sore I was all over. Sometimes, it wasn’t a hard blow or the crack of a whip that did one in. The never-ending discomforts of fighting and landing wrong added up. My ankle was still hurting a bit, and I had bruises forming all over my arms from the constant grabbing.

So, um…this way or that way?

Shit. I wasn’t sure of the exact direction that would bring me back to where I’d left the others, but I started walking. Carefully. Quietly.

Being alone heightened my senses, especially my hearing, and the forest was full of tiny sounds that made me all jumpy. My breath hitched when I heard twigs snapping, only for me to realize I was the one causing the twigs to break.


I stopped when someone screamed. It was so far away, and I had no idea who it was, but the sound was laden with pain.

You’re next.

I swallowed hard and shuddered.

Maybe I was a little scared now.


Griffin Lawson

Smart boy. He veered away from the area of boulders, most likely guessing it was a good place for me to hide.

I’d had a feeling he’d be walking back since he’d stopped earlier.

As long as he didn’t turn toward the wider part of the stream, he would walk between two of the eight trees where I’d prepared a wire for him to trip over. Because he’d brought his gear, and I’d brought mine.

Good thing too. My boy was definitely a fighter. And a fast little shit.

Was he nervous? As he trailed closer to the trap, he looked around himself every few seconds. The ground was more level here, without many rocks and pits.

I folded my arms over my chest and smiled to myself. He was almost there. A few more feet.

Don’t change course.

I’d initially only wired four of the trees, and if I’d stopped there, he’d have smooth sailing right about now. Instead… I stood straighter, staying hidden behind a boulder and some spruce trees, and I watched him walk right in there. So focused on what might happen around him, he didn’t pay attention to his feet. His left foot got caught, and he let out a short scream as he stumbled forward and landed on the ground.

I grinned.

“You son of a bitch!” he yelled. He hurriedly scrambled to his feet and glared in this direction. “Are you in there? I know you can see me!”

Wasn’t the first time he’d yelled that.

He huffed and spun around a couple more times to check his surroundings, and then he cursed and took off in a light run.

My cue to follow.

I waited until he was past the stream, when I almost couldn’t see him anymore. Then I ran after, sticking close to the trees, one by one, ready for whenever he turned around.

It’s your turn now, little one.

I paid extra attention to where I landed to keep from making too much noise, and slowly but surely, I gained on him. The vegetation grew thicker, making it easier for me to hide, and I sank into a feral mind-set where all I saw was my prey.


