Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet #1) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Joey and Adora Duet Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 61905 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 206(@300wpm)

His hands remain clenched as if he’s worried about what he might do with them. I’ve heard stories about the brothers. Joey was always considered the nice one—deadly, but nice. I suppose he was nice to begin with, that is until I crossed him. And I’ve crossed him in many ways.

You would think he didn’t want me from every word that leaves his mouth, but his cock is telling me otherwise. Stepping another inch closer, I place my feet on top of his and wrap my hands around his neck, basically trying to crawl up his body. I hook one leg around his ass, then the other, and just when I think I’m about to drop to the shower floor, his hands grip both my ass cheeks and squeeze hard. So hard, I’m pretty sure his fingers are digging in and will leave bruises.

Goddamn, it feels incredible.

I need, no want, this man badly.

Our bodies are synced, and my pussy is throbbing so hard that I physically can’t get any closer unless he is inside me.

The water falls over us, and his hair flops in his eyes as I lean in to kiss him. But he pulls back, which makes me stop. I try again, and he does the exact same thing.

“We aren’t here to make love. This is hate-fucking and that’s all this will ever be. Do you fucking understand?”

Well, then.

Fuck him.

“Just fuck me already and get it over and done with.”

Joey’s hands release their hold, and I slide down his body until I’m standing. Then he walks out, leaving me in the rapidly cooling water.



Who the fuck says that? Why on earth would you say that as you’re climbing my fucking body, wanting me to stick my cock into your fucking cunt? I stormed out without even bothering to grab my towel.

She follows me out. I can hear her tiny little footsteps coming up behind me.

“Joey!” she screams, but I don’t bother stopping. “Joey, are you a pussy cunt bitch?”

That makes me spin around and face her. “What the fuck did you just say?” I’m trying to keep my anger out of this situation, but I can’t with her. She infuriates me on every level possible. I want to do things I know I shouldn’t—yell obscenities, put my fist through the wall, pick up the closest thing and throw—but instead, I stand there taking in what’s in front of me. Adora’s hand is on her naked hip, which is pushed out to one side in a defiant stance. She doesn’t give one damn fuck that she’s completely bare in front of me. Fuck, I don’t even care that I’m naked too. Most women try to cover themselves and regain some modesty while standing there, ready for a fight. But no, not her.

Adora’s hair is dripping wet and dangling over her shoulders and the expression on her face is one of enraged fury. Her eyes pin me. They are that hard and flinty, her cheeks could not be any redder, and that body is so tense her muscles will be sore tomorrow.

I was hoping the woman I married would be calm and sweet, yet I’m stuck with the Devil herself.

What do they call a woman devil?

A she-devil?

A deviless?

“You heard me.”

Against my better judgment, I walk over to her until we’re nose to nose. “I like it better when you keep your mouth shut.” She gives me an eye roll. “I don’t intend to fuck my wife when she talks like that. You will want me, darling. It’s simply a matter of time.”

Her hand lifts as if she’s about to slap me, but instead, she grabs my face, eyes locked on me, before slamming her lips to mine.

I don’t want pity sex.

I don’t even want a pity fucking kiss.

I am not someone’s sad fucking story.

So without letting it go too far, I push her away.

Adora grabs me tightly, and because I’m not kissing her back, she bites my lip until I taste my own blood. But she doesn’t stop there. Her body is now pressed against mine, her mouth on me, and that’s when I feel her start to move. My cock is hard as a rock, and she’s grinding herself against me. Without thought, I open my mouth and her tongue slips inside. I can taste my own blood on her tongue, yet neither of us stops. I guess we’re going through with this even though I want to pull away more than anything, but my body won’t let me.

Her legs wrap around my waist again, and I hoist her up. Moving blindly, I slam her against the wall. Our lips break apart as she gasps, but her hands are still on my shoulders, nails digging into my flesh. Her breathing is heavy as she looks down between us. Her hands are fast and frenzied as she reaches for my cock and lifts herself by her legs on my waist, positioning herself to sink down on me.


