Reckless Promise – A Dark Mafia Romance Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 88114 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

I turn slowly to face the core of the Hayle family. They’re all staring at me, some of them in astonishment, but all of them with some measure of excitement. They see what I can be now. They can see me as the leader of their family, not just as a Hayle son, a dangerous killer, a violent street thug, but as a true leader.

I reach out a hand for Tara. She slowly stands and joins me at the head of the room, silently watching the men.

“Think about what I just said,” I say softly, forcing everyone to lean closer to listen. “The Hayle family has been fractured for too long. Even under my father, we’ve grown too distant. The divisions will end here, with me. You will all swear loyalty to me in the coming days and weeks, and in the end, we will be united, and we will be stronger. Hayle forever.”

“Hayle forever,” Burke says forcefully and it’s echoed by several more men. I let the cheer grow and as it begins to fade, I turn and leave the room with Tara on my arm.

I shut the door and hesitate in the hall. Clyde’s standing halfway down, leaning against the wall, grinning and shaking his head. I approach him slowly and he moves to stand in front of me with his arms crossed.

“That was one hell of a show,” he says.

“I appreciate you playing along.”

“Think they bought it?” He nods toward the conference room where the cheering has turned into general celebration. Some of my staff head in with good wine and whiskey and food. They’ll drink and eat and have a good time for a few hours and leave with a newfound excitement for the family.

“They bought it.” I nod to him and clap his shoulder. “I appreciate you playing along.”

“When you came to me with that offer, I thought you were insane, but hell. Now I get it. You’re inspiring them.”

“I’m making them see me as a leader. What about the others?”

“They’ll come around. Clemency is better than getting their heads cut off and they can all see where this is headed. I’ll talk to them for real.”

“Good man. I appreciate your help.”

“Hell, for a million dollars, I’d do a lot of things.”

“But not betray the family.”

His face gets serious. “Never that.”

We shake again and he leaves. Tara leans against me and sighs and I kiss her gently. “What do you think?”

“It worked, just as planned. Clyde played his part well. Came in at a dramatic point, really leaned into the role. It was well done.”

“I hate putting on stupid fucking political theater like that.”

“You need it for now, but that’ll change soon, once Hugh’s gone.”

I sigh gently and lead Tara further away from the revelry. When we’re upstairs and alone, I collapse in a chair in our suite and pull her onto my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck and nuzzles my cheek.

“When this is over and Hugh’s dead, I want to take you on vacation.”

“I’d love that.”

“Anywhere you want. Name the place.”

“London. No, Paris. No, uh, Barcelona.”

“How about all of that and more?”

“Okay.” She grins and kisses me. “You know what’s strange? The idea of killing Hugh doesn’t bother me.”

“Probably because he’s been poisoning my mother and stealing my family out from under me for years.”

“That, and he’s a dick. And I guess you’re rubbing off on me.” She hesitates, frowning slightly. “Do you really think Clyde will come through?”

“He’ll do it. You heard him. This is ending sooner or later, and he’d rather be alive when it’s all over.”

“When it’s all over,” she echoes softly. “Hard to imagine. What’ll we do? You’re going to be so bored.”

“Don’t worry. There will be more wars. Now, you look too fucking good in that dress to keep my hands to myself.”

“Kellen.” She grins as I pull her down and push her onto the couch, pinning her there.

“I suppose I’m insatiable when you look so fucking good.”

I bury her mouth with mine and take my real prize.

Chapter 33


It’s a hot night in Phoenix and the streets feel packed with potential. People wander around in groups, shouting, yelling, the air crackling with excitement. I can’t tell if it’s me or if the entire city senses the coming storm.

Tara leans on my arm. She smiles up at me and I let my eyes wander along her nose, to her lips, and down to the ring on her finger. She hasn’t taken it off, not in all this time. Even when we were apart for those miserable three weeks, she kept it in place, thinking of me whenever she glanced down at her hands.

My woman. My wife. That, more than anything, tells me what I need to know. Even in the face of hardship when the world seems bleak and things are black and horrible, she’s still loyal to me.


