Repent Read online Cassandra Robbins (The Disciples #3)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Disciples Series by Cassandra Robbins

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 100376 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 502(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

Charlie turns to me and I slide closer to Doug. “Am I the only sane one in our group?”

Doug hands me a Starbucks cup of tequila and coffee. “No, sweetheart. We all know what Dolly did was awful, but no one is perfect—”

“Doug, she stabbed Edge.” Her eyes are huge.

I lean my head back as the sun caresses it through the darkened window. “I know I might have made a mistake, but I truly thought he was fucking Crystal.” I look up at her.

“Dolly, Axel and Derrick were in the office with them. According to Axel, Edge had just shown up.”

I sit up and sip what is pretty much hot tequila. “Exactly. According to Axel.” I stare at her. “It’s Axel,” I say, cringing because I have pretty much acknowledged that I fucked up. Trying to defend myself when all three of them know I’m wrong is stupid.

She blinks at me and Doug leans back, his one arm stretched out across the back of his seat looking like a king.

“Look, I don’t know what came over me. Like I had dropped him off and saw he left his wallet on the seat.” I rub my head and look out the window. Everything’s a blur as we speed down the freeway.

“I asked the bartender where the office was and whether he’d seen Edge and he said that he was occupied with Crystal. And that was it. I freaked.”

I take a huge sip almost gagging as the tequila goes down, although the warm blanket of bliss is already starting. The limo is silent save for Doug sighing and the small buzz of wind coming in through one of the windows.

“I can understand that,” Eve says as she pushes the remote to zip up the window.

“You can?” Charlie looks at her like she’s crazy.

“Yeah, if that happened to me and Jason, let’s just say Blade would be dickless.” She snickers into her coffee.

And I didn’t think I could love her more, but the relief that at least one person gets where my head was makes me feel so much better.

“Thank you.” I grab her hand and lean forward. “And”—I point my coffee cup at Charlie—“he was shirtless.”

“Because he spilled alcohol on his T-shirt.”

“Well, that’s what he says…”

“No, that’s what they all said.” Charlie cocks her head, her beautiful face full of concern.

“Come on, it’s a bit suspicious. Who drinks that early anyway?” The limo goes over a bump as Doug snorts.

“Really? You’re kidding right?” Her eyes span all of us as we drink. Shaking her head, she adjusts herself and rubs her lower back.

“I mean, besides a special occasion, or…” I wave my hand.

“Or they’re a Disciple,” she finishes the sentence for me.

“I know.” I nod. “Well, at least he’s alive, and at the end of the day, that’s all that’s matters.”

She simply stares and closes her eyes mumbling about Cindy being lucky that she has to manage the diner.


Thirty-one years old

Five hours later, and I’ve lost count of the cocktails. I stand looking at myself in the full-length mirror. Edge booked us a suite at the Bellagio, and Charlie is insisting I drink water as Doug puts the last touches on my makeup.

“Is it hot in here?” Charlie fans herself then pulls her long, thick black hair off her neck.

“You look beautiful.” My eyes swell with tears at her. She’s wearing a clingy red dress.

“No. You, Dolly.” She nods as if I’m truly amazing. “You look beyond stunning.”

Doug sighs as he puts one last curl in my hair and steps back to examine me. “She does. My God, if I make it through this night without crying, it will be a miracle.”

“Okay.” Eve speed walks into the room wearing a dress that’s jaw-dropping. Her long legs, which seem to never end, and her great boobs make me smile. Doug went natural with her makeup besides her lips. All of us are wearing my signature red.

“We’ve got to go,” Eve says, staring down at her phone. “The boys and Edge are at the chapel. Apparently, he’s making the owners nervous. Is she ready?” She looks up from her phone and stops.

“Holy God.” Her hand goes to her throat. “You’re a princess. A gorgeous princess.” She circles me in her high heels and I can only hope for the best since Charlie is the sober one among us. Eve wipes her eyes causing Doug to slap her hand and immediately fix them.

“Okay.” He holds up his hands. “Listen up. I have worked too hard on all of us. We are not allowed to cry until after the pictures. No matter what. Understand?” He glares at us.

Charlie hands me the water and I take a sip and pass it to Doug who frowns and gives it back to Charlie.

“You outdid yourself, Doug.” My head is buzzing with the fact that in an hour, I’ll legally be Mrs. Daniels.


