Repo Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 84788 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

"Maze..." I said, my tone begging her to understand. "Look at me," I demanded when she just kept looking at her feet. She had too much pride to keep her eyes averted. She sucked in a slow breath and turned her head.

"What now?"

I watched as my hand rose and reached out to her, stroking down the slightly sun-burnt skin under her eyes. Her eyes closed for a second as her breath rushed out of her. I wasn't stupid. Maze wanted me. When I had fucked up and kissed her in the kitchen, she had been just as needy and lost in it as I had been. The only reason it stopped was because I stopped it and when I moved away from her, her legs weren't strong enough to hold her weight.

I exhaled, my gut twisting as I knew I was crossing a line, as one of my hands went to her hip to steady her and the other grabbed her under her knee so I could lift it and move it to the other side of the limb we were sitting on, so she was straddling it facing me. Her hazel eyes went to my face, her brows drawn together as my other hand went to her hip as well and I used them to pull her toward me. My fingers traced down her thighs to her knees again, lifting them enough to drape them over mine so I could pull her against me.

She didn't pull away. She didn't flinch.

"Now this," I said, my voice soft as my hands went to frame her face as I lowered my head toward hers.

"You're breaking the rules," she whispered, eyes still on mine.

"Fuck the rules."



The kiss in the kitchen had been rough, primal, demanding. But in the tree in the dark, our bodies illuminated only by the moon and stars and serenaded by crickets and the distant thrum of rock music from the party, his lips landed on mine soft, so soft that I felt my belly flutter hard for a moment at the contact. My eyes closed, my hands moved up and out and twisted into the material of his tee. My legs tensed over his, pulling me closer until my pelvis pressed against his. Finding him hard against me, a small moan escaped my lips.

His hands slipped from my face, sliding down my back until his palms landed high on my ass, using it to drag me upward onto his lap so his cock pressed against my sex. My legs tightened around his hips as I dragged myself against him, trying to ease the sudden and overpowering heaviness in my lower stomach. Repo grunted against my lips as I stroked him again before his teeth nipped into my lip hard and he pulled backward.

I made some sort of whiny noise in my throat that had him chuckling gently. "Honey, we'll fall out of this fucking tree if we keep it up," he murmured, brushing my hair behind my ear then trailing his nose up the column of my neck before planting a kiss just below my ear.

"Worth the risk," I said, turning my face down and into his neck to bite into the skin hard enough to smart.

"Be kinda hard to explain why we both broke our legs," he said, still sounding amused. I heard myself grumble again, sliding off his lap, so turned on it was practically painful.

"Fine," I said, ducking my head and moving away from him, trying like hell to ignore the insistent throbbing between my legs.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Repo's legs move out toward the front of the tree limb. A second later, he was swinging himself down to the ground, landing into a squat before turning back to face me, arms up in the air.

"What?" I asked, shaking my head at him.

"Come on. I got you."

At that, I felt a smile pull at my lips. "Um... no."

"I'll catch ya, Maze. I promise."

"Yeah... no."

He sighed but didn't drop his hands. "Come on honey, you got to learn to trust someone sometime."

"Yeah except I always end up trusting the wrong people," I admitted before I could think to censor myself.

His head tilted to the side. "So a couple jackasses fucked you over. You can't use that as an excuse to never trust someone again, Maze. Take a leap of faith. I'll catch you."

"And be in the perfect position to drop me on my ass," I said quietly to myself, knowing it was the truth. But I took a breath and pushed off the tree, enjoying the dropping sensation in my stomach as I free fell for a few seconds before Repo's arms closed around me, holding me up against his chest so his face was just barely above my breasts.

"Was that so hard?" he asked, smiling up at me and I had that feeling I felt a couple weeks ago: he was trouble. He was so, so much trouble.


